His Royal Glitteriness

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Have you ever come across an unheard of fandom an feel like your being slowly sucked into it? Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now...


Britt: *le types on laptop*


Britt: What the?!?

Jareth: *smirks* Hello.

Britt: Really, Goblin King? Really?! *sees glitter on everything* Why is there glitter everywhere?!?!

Jareth: Because I've got the power.

Britt: *face palms* Labyrinth fandom, you have no power over me!!!!!!

Jareth: *in sing song voice* Wroooooong!

Britt: I haven't even watched the movie!!

Jareth: But you're already making references.....

Britt: GK, shut it or I swear I will throw you in the bog of eternal stench.

Jareth: *tries not to chuckle or smile*

Britt: #-#

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