Clara problems

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Obviously, this is about Clara. I think her reaction when she saw 12 at the school in the Caretaker promo was hilarious. I then thought of all the things that could be running through her head.

By the way, I do this a lot (react for characters). So this is why I'm writing this chapter. Anyways.....


12: Hello. I'm John Smith. I'm the new caretaker.

Clara: *eyes widen as she smiles*

Clara's thoughts: OMG!! IT'S THE DOCTOR!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! Are you spying on me?!? Did you get bored? Oh no! HE'S GOING TO FIND OUT ABOUT DANNY! Is he jealous??? Like that one time when Porridge asked me to marry him?? This better not turn out like another Doctor and Robin Hood thing. I'll lock the Doctor in the grumpy old cow, aka the TARDIS, if he does. UGH!!! Boy probz!!!!! Why does he have to act like a 5 year old around me. I swear, every time I'm around another guy other than the Doctor, I can practically hear him say "MY CLARA!" What if there's an alien at the school. No! Please no! I hope I'm wrong. We just saved a planet from bad aliens the other day. *sighs* well let's figure out why he's here.....

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