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I was thinking about the Hunger Games trilogy today when I had a mind blowing (this may be pure exaggeration, you can decide for yourself) thought. President Snow has the rebellion all wrong. He thinks it started when the 74th annual Hunger Games ended with Katniss and Peeta almost eating the night berries. But it didn't. It started with Katniss volunteering as tribute.

Katniss isn't the actual cause of the rebellion, Prim is. Katniss only volunteered because Prim's life was in danger. So Prime is the primary cause of the rebellion, in theory. President Snow is blaming the wrong person.

Well, there's something for you to ponder today. This is either genius (again, exaggerated) or pure nonsense. I'm at least hoping some one will go O_O "OMG THAT MAKES SENSE!!!!"

Oh well....

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