Calling all Thor and Steve Rodgers Fangirls!!!!!!

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ATTENTION ALL AVENGERS FANGIRLS (specifically Cap's and Thor's)!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi. I bet you all are wondering why I have called you all here. Well, to answer your question I'm going to ask you a few questions. How do like them apples? No, I did not call you here to ask you about apples. That's rubbish. Let's move on to why I actually asked you here, shall we?

1). Do you like reader insert books?

2). Do you like books with love triangles?

3). Do you like books where you, the reader, are being fought over by two freaking good looking Avengers (obviously it's Cap and Thor because I wouldn't have asked for Steve and Thor's fangirls to come here but I thought I would specify....)

If you said yes to any of the following, then I have a book I would like to recommend a book by the awesome MrsSteveOdinson to you. The book is called Love Is Not Easy. It is just amazingly awesome and you should read it. Seriously. Stop reading this and go find that book and read it. And while you're at, just go ahead and follow them.

Why are you still reading this? GO READ LOVE IS NOT EASY! You won't regret it, I promise you.















I'm bored....... I think I'm gonna mess with Star-Lord..........


*on the Milano*

Britt: *walks aimlessly around the ship humming to self* *walks past Peter's Walkman* *stops humming and looks around to see if anyone's looking* *grabs Walkman and puts on headphones* *plays Hooked On A Feelin'* *runs and hides*

*an hour later*

Peter: Alright, let's get this party started! *goes to grab Walkman* *realizes it's not there* What the- WHO TOOK MY WALKMAN?!?!?!? ROCKET!!!!

Rocket: I didn't do it! I was taking care of baby Groot. I think I saw Britt running around here earlier....

Peter: If you didn't do it, then who- wait, did you say Britt??

Rocket: *nods*

Peter: Not again!!! BRITT!!!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY WALKMAN!!!!!!! *runs off to find Britt*

Rocket: *face palms* *hears Peter yelling in the distant*

{scene shift to Peter and Britt}

Peter: GIVE IT BACK!!!!!

Britt: NO!!!


Britt: *pulls out icer and shoots Peter* Aww, the poor guy is tuckered out........ {A million poptarts and Shawarma and pie to who ever gets the reference} *runs off to hide the Walkman in Peter's room*

{scene shift back to Rocket}

Rocket: *hears a gunshot and a thud* What a bunch of idiots....... *shakes head and walks away*

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