Cookies {Parks and Rec Guys}

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{In honor of 13K}

Ron Swanson: *stares sternly* No. *continues to stare*

Tom Havaford: Three words. Treat yo self. *sing song voice* Treat yo self to a cookie! *holds out cookie jar*

Chris Treager: Sure! *hands you a cookie* They're oatmeal raisin. They are literally the best cookies I ever had.

Ben Wyatt: Of course you can.... if you beat me at a game of Cones of Dunshire! *pulls out game*

Andy Dywer: Sure *hands you a cookie* *pulls it back* Pysch! *hands you cookie again* No seriously, you can have. You're such an awesome sauce person!

Jerry (Gary) Gergiviche: Gale just made these for me but I'd be more than happy to share.

Jean-Ralphio Sapperstien: *holds hand to face and sings* Neva! Those cookies are mine!!

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