Jemma Simmons.... #_#

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I just watched the newest episode of Agents of SHIELD, Aftershock, and I'm sort of done with one of the characters. From the title, you may have already guessed. If not, look at the title again.

Yes, I'm done with Jemma Simmons.

{This sort of goes into me going off on Simmons..... Oops......}

I'm sorry but if you're going to wipe out the people with supernatural powers just because you're trying to save humanity from a "plague" or death, you're no better than the freaking Hydra nazi Whitehawl. And why don't you put your self in Skye's place. She went down there to stop Raina from killing billions of people and Trip went down to save Skye. After the diviner activated, there was no stopping it. Trip tried to save Skye from turning in to rock by destroying the diviner.

A piece of the diviner shot back at him and killed him. As he died, Skye broke out of her rock shell. She watched him break to pieces. Skye has to live with that for the rest of her life even though it wasn't her fault. Yes, you loved him, but she watched him died.

So I'm going to tell you to get your British panties out of a wad and remind you that bad things happen to good people. Remember when Ward sent you and Fitz to the ocean floor? Fitz didn't ask to become brain damaged, but he was willing to give his life for people he cared about, just like Trip.

Also, you're apart of SHIELD, a secret organisation that has enemies that are willing to kill to win. You had to have know this when you signed up. People die in war. We accept it, we move on, we win, and then we have time to mourn those we lost. Snap out of it, Simmons. This isn't you and we all know. Trip wouldn't want you to do this.

From one agent to another, you're going to be fine. You may not be now, but you will be.

Let's focus on taking down Hydra, that's what Trip would want.


Does anyone else agree with me? Comment and let me know.

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