What Did I Even Just Watch????

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Have you ever watched something on YouTube that made you close your laptop or put down your phone and set it a side thinking, "What. The. Heck. Was. That?" or "That's enough internet for today....."?

Well, that's been me for the past two days. I'm sure you all know the rabbit holes of watching videos on YouTube. You see a video that seems interesting, which leads to another video and another until you have no flipping idea how you got to the video your currently watching. Like you could start off watching cat videos then end up on some conspiracy theory how Batman is terrible at his job (there is a video, I have watched it). And you're just like, what even?

I know this feeling all too well. I actually did this the other day and I can't stop thinking about what I came across, so I decided that I'm going to share this weirdness with you all and hear your opinion on it.

So basically it all started when I was watching a top 10 creepy kid movies by WatchMojo. As I was watching it, they had a movie called Labyrinth at number 4. If you are like me and haven't watched it, it has a famous (pop/rock?) star named David Bowie in it who plays a goblin king who steals the baby brother of a 16 year old girl who he has "the hots" for. I really can't give an accurate description because I haven't seen the movie myself. Anyways, the movie caught my attention because I had heard a rumor that the late David Bowie was actually going to make a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 but didn't happen because of his passing. So I found clips from the movie and watched them.

All I could think was "This is a KIDS movie?!?" And if you watch a clip with Bowie in it or see his outfit (more so his trousers), you'll understand why I say that. Now I'm not bashing the movie, I'm just questioning the choice the producers {Jim Hensen (aka maker of the muppets, such as Kermit, Miss Piggy, and the others) and George Lucas (aka mind behind Star Wars)} made in deciding which category to put this movie in. I'm actually really intrigued by the movie and want to see what all happens in the movie, but I know if I watched this as a kid I would have firkin nightmares because those goblin muppets are terrifying.

Back to the movie clips. I watched some of the clips with David Bowie because I wanted to see how talented he was (because I had never heard of him until I heard the rumor about GOTG2) and I wanted to see how good of an actor he was. Now I know I sound a bit rude but when I here a musician is in a movie, I want to see how well they their acting abilities are. Gosh, I am not making this sound any better so I'm just going to move on. So anyways, I'm watching these clips thinking that this definitely should not be a kids movie when I come across one song clip that doesn't have Bowie in it. Just these creepy red hairy creatures that are dancing around a fire and tearing off their limbs (heads, hands, eyes, legs, etc). The creatures were already creepy enough but when one of them tore off their hand, that was the moment I had to close my laptop and push it away from me. I was literally like what effery is this???

I attached the clip if you are curious like me and want to see the weirdness that it is. The song is called Chilly Down, though I'm not sure if you really care. And here's more videos:

I have the first bit of this third clip stuck in my flippin mind.

This last clip gives more of an accurate description of what I meant by David Bowie's wardrobe:

So what do you think?

Creepy or nah?

Weird or nah?

Would you let a kid watch this?

Let me know!

*later on*

Britt: *working on homework*

Jareth (Bowie): *casually sneaks in room* You remind me of the babe.

Britt: *confused* What babe?

Jareth: The babe with the power.

Britt: *even more confused* What power??

Jareth: The power of voodoo.

Britt: *no words for confusion* Who do???

Jareth: You do!

Britt: Do What?!

Jareth: Remind me of the babe!

Britt: *realizes what's going on* DANG IT!!!


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