Chapter 28

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Harry’s POV:

I rolled over and looked at Sierra how was intently sleeping. I stared at her for a while until I started to feel creepy. I scooted closer to her and rested my chin on the top of her head.

“Hey,” she whispered and wrapped her arm around me. “How long have you been up?”

“Um, a few minutes.” I whispered back, we didn’t have to be quiet of course but it seemed natural. We were used to whispering in the morning so we had gotten used to it.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why?” I let out a small chuckle and pulled a few pieces of hair out of her face.

“I should’ve been up to entertain you.”

“How so?”

“I don’t know.” She mumbled. “I guess I haven’t gotten around to tell you this, but my mom called. She told me that her friend that works at the fashion magazine, she told her that the editor is looking for a new assistant. She wants me to apply.”

“I think you should do it.” I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Sounds like a great idea.”

“Really?” she smiled and sat up; she quickly pulled the sheet to her neck and cocked her head.

“Yeah, I think it’s a great idea for you to get a job while we’re on tour.” I laughed and sat up next to her.

“Oh…. Yeah.” She answered quite disappointedly. “You have to leave for tour.”

“Babe, I’m sure we will fly you girls out often. Especially you, Amanda, Dani, and El.”

“But I’ll be at work.” She sighed and slowly climbed out of bed, she grabbed her bag off the dresser. Her blonde hair fluttered around her back as she pulled on her shorts and my baggy white t-shirt.  She tucked the shirt into her high-waisted shorts and slipped her sandals on.

“Oh, no shower this time huh?” I joked and grabbed her waist.

“Just get dressed.” She sighed and walked into the bathroom. She shouldn’t be mad at me; she should know that we had to go on tour. The other girls seemed to be okay with it but I guess it was because they were only losing one of us for a short while. Danielle and Eleanor had also already experienced us being on tour when we went with the X-Factor. Sierra and Amanda would probably be torn up, more so because they were losing their boyfriends and their brother.

“Babe,” I whined and followed her in. “We have to go, you can’t be upset with me, I haven’t got a choice.”

”And that’s why I’m upset about it.” She whipped around and crossed her arms.

“You know, even if we did have a choice, I would still go. I have to be there for the boys like I know they would be for me.”

“Take me home.” She demanded. I stood there and cocked my head at her. “Take me home.”

“I planned on it.” I laughed and pulled my pants on, followed by my plain black shirt.

“No. You leave your stuff here. Take me home.” She said again.


“I don’t want you at my house.” She whispered and stormed out of the hotel.

“What?” I yelled down the hallway and grabbed her arm. “What’re you talking about, you don’t want me home.”

“I do not want you home.”

“Why!” I yelled.

“Because it’s not a good idea for you to come home,” she replied calmly.

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