Chapter 11

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A/N: Okaaay, I'm not too sure what to say.. Other than I hope you enjoy this decently long chapter. (Hopefully) - Sierra<3xx.

Eleanor's POV:

I looked over at Louis who had just rolled over next to me.

"Thanks." I whispered into his neck. I heard a laugh form in the back of his throat.

"Not a problem at all, my love."

"Sorry I was so overdramatic about it." I mumbled, I hated admitting defeat or I was wrong.

"Its fine. It was stupid of me to of done that to you. What kind of boyfriend am I?" he sighed.

"An amazing one." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"If you say so." he sighed and grabbed his PJ pants off the ground and slid them on. "You might want to put this on, they'll be home any minute" he said throwing a blue and white striped t-shirt at me.

"I just think that you needed to hear Niall and Amanda to show you that its okay for us to do it too." he nodded and looked away from me.

"That must be it." he nodded and smiled. I heard the door open and close downstairs. Followed by Amanda yelling.

"I dont even know why you brought her back here, Zayn!" Oh gosh, what happened?

Amanda's POV:

On the way home Breanna decided to crack a joke about Niall and I in the shower, right in front of Liam. He was furious, I couldn't believe that she actually thought it was okay to say something like that. It wasnt any of his business in the first place, nor was it hers. It was rude and uncalled for.

"We need to talk, Amanda!" he yelled. "This isn't something that can just be swept under the rug!"

I glanced over at Niall who was looking down, Harry was trying to comfort him.

"Liam, what is there to talk about! Nothing happened!"

"Amanda," he replied calmly. "Lets go outside on the patio and talk about it. Please."

"Oh my gosh, fine!" I threw my hands up and stormed outside. I plopped down on a weaved chair and Liam sat down across from me.

"Okay, tell me what happened."

"Li, I told you. It was a miss understanding. I was screaming in the shower because Niall walked in on me." I lied.

"I can tell when you're lying. Your not good at it. Now tell me the truth." he said looking at me. I sighed.

"I.... I um... I... Well, what happened was..."

"Just tell me. Now." he pushed on.

"I had sex with Niall okay." I replied quickly, hoping that he wouldnt hear me.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" he exclaimed.

"Liam. I'm sorry, but I'm not ashamed of what I did. I'm actually glad I did it."

"What if Sierra gets ideas. What is she starts having sex with Harry! I'll be devestated." he looked down.

"Oh, so now Im a bad influence? Have you ever thought of yourself as a bad infulence, Liam? Your not a virgin either. Its not fair to her for you to tell her how she can live her life. This was about me, not Sierra. You've turned it into this. She knows her limits and what she is ready for. I wish you would respect her decisions and realize that she can do what she wants to." I stood up and started walking to the house, I hated being mean to Liam. He was like my brother. He always looked so sad being yelled at and I hated being the person to do it, but it was my decison and Sierras.

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