Chapter 27

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Sierra's POV:

"So what're we doing?" I asked plopping down on the large couch.  

"Mmm, I don't know. Liam doesn't want us to leave." Danielle laughed and looked down at her manicured fingers.  

"Liam is hot." Courtnee laughed and looked at Danielle.  

"Yeah he is!" Danielle smiled and high-fived her.  

"Guys, that's my brother." I faked a gag and smiled.  

"Oh shush, it's not like I'm telling them the size of his fairly large penis, Sierra." Danielle winked at me and patted my shoulder.  

"AHHH!" I screamed and covered my ears.  

"So, how did you and Olly meet, Leah?" Amanda asked, changing the subject, thankfully. 

"Oh gosh." She blushed and laughed a little. "Me and Olly... Well, one day I was at my local park with my family. We are all really big on soccer, well me and my cousin were playing a game and she tuckered out. I was just kicking the ball around then there comes this rather attractive man. He comes over and is like 'Wanna play me?' so I was like 'Uh, sure?' then we started playing. He was really funny and it was really easy to beat him. Then he asked for a rematch, then another, then another, until I finally had to leave. I didn't think anything of it. The next day I went to the park to play soccer again, it's kind of my ritual. Anyway, I went to the park and I looked disgusting. I was kicking the ball around and here comes the same guy, he asks for another rematch. I won, again. Eventually he introduced himself as Olly Murs and asked me out. Cheesy I think. But we still go to that same park at least once a week to play a few games of soccer."  

"Oh my goodness!" Danielle squealed and covered her mouth. "That's so cute!" 

"Paisley, how did you and Josh meet?" Amanda asked anxiously.  

"Our meeting was kind of scary." She laughed and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "Well, I was running late to work about a year ago and I dropped my mascara on the floor. I reached down to get it and when I looked up there was a guy crossing the street, I slammed on the brakes but I still hit him and I felt so horrible. I didn't hit him hard of course, but I still hit him with my car so I was freaking out. I jump out of the car and there's so much traffic and everyone is honking and it was very chaotic. I bent down to see if he was okay and he smiled at me and I remember thinking, what a creep. But he stood up and I was like 'I'm so sorry I hit you!' and he was like 'don't worry about it babe, if you'd of never hit me I wouldn't of had the chance to meet the most beautiful girl in the world.' And then I drove him to the clothes store he was headed to." She laughed and looked down at her lap.  

"I remember when Josh came home that day and told my mum that he met his new girlfriend." Courtnee laughed and looked at Paisley. "We all laughed at him. Then he brought her home one night, it was late! We all knew that Josh was planning to take her upstairs to his room and have sex with her." 

"Court!" Paisley laughed and pushed her shoulder gently. "We were not!" 

"You practically peed your pants when you walked in and saw us all in the family room watching a movie!" 

"Courtnee! I would never do such a thing!" she laughed. 

"Oh please! Joshh! Oh Josh, yeah mmmm, Joshhh!" Courtnee mimicked. We all started laughing uncontrollably, except Paisley. 

"Don't worry, I've heard Leah and Olly too." Alex started. 

"I am not loud!" Leah yelled out before Alex could say anything. 

"I didn't say you were... Leah, right there, yessss Leah." Alex moaned out in a manly voice. 

"You guys have no clue! When Amanda and Niall first had sex, she was screaming so loud." I laughed and looked at Amanda who gave me a death glare.  

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