Chapter 21

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A/N: So, last chapter? (: It was cute right? Zayn and Ariel, cuties. <3

Sierra's POV:

"Okay." I told Harry after he told me he was getting in the shower.

"Don't miss me too much." he winked.

"Oh, I'll try not to." I laughed and pulled the white sheet over my head. "Hurry up!"

"I just got in!" he yelled back.

"Hurry up." I whined and hugged his pillow, it still smelled like him. A few minutes later the water in the shower turned off. I pulled the sheet off of me and looked at the bathroom door, sure enough Harry walked out completely naked. I smiled and laughed, I had actually gotten used to Harry's nudeness.

"What're you smiling at?" he asked smiling back at me.

"Nothing. I just, I like that you aren't afraid to be naked in front of anyone."

"Mmm, okay." he said cocking his head at me.

"Guess what." I told him smiling. He turned to me as he pulled up his boxers and adjusted himself.

"Hm?" he hummed and picked out a t-shirt.

"I think I'm ready." I said quietly enough that the rest of the house wouldn't hear. His lips curled into a smile, he dropped the shirt he was about to put on and jumped onto the bed.

"I love you so much." he said between kisses. I smiled and wrapped my arms and legs around him. Soon he started kissing me harder and more aggressively, showing me he wanted to. I pulled away and looked into his green orbs.

"Not here, not right now." I whispered and pecked his lips. He nodded, stood up, and continued getting dressed. "Sorry." I whispered and sat cross-legged on the bed. He smiled and shook his head.

"Babe, its fine." he laughed and kissed me again. "I want to make it special anyway."

"Really?" I asked beaming.

"Yeah really." he mocked me.

"Okay." I replied enthusiastically.

"I love you, babe." he smiled and kissed me again.

"I love you." I answered and stood up. "Babe." I whined and held my hands out towards him.

"Awe come here, baby." he said in a soft voice. He picked me up and cradled me like a baby. "Shhh."

"Harry, I'm not your child." I laughed and he set me on the floor.

"I was trying to show you my love!" he teased and grabbed my thin thighs.

"Okay, sorry!" I laughed and pecked his lips.

"Why do I love you so much." he whispered and kissed from my elbow down to my finger tips. I shrugged and pulled my baggy t-shirt off. Harry groaned and covered his eyes.

"What?" I asked him.

"You can't tell me that we can't have sex and then go rip your clothes off all seductively."

"Harold Edward Styles!" I gasped and smiled at him.

"I know, bad thoughts, I'm sorry!" he laughed and covered his face with a pillow. I shook my head and pulled on a strapless bra and a tube top followed by a pair of lightwash short shorts. I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail.

"I have clothes on." I told him. He uncovered his face and looked at me.

"You might as well not have clothes on, wearing that." he smiled cheekily and and sat up.

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