Chapter 6

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A/N: Okay, I'm super excited for this chapter because there is going to be a massive suprise. Be ready. :) Thanks for reading. <3 xx - Sierra. :)

Sierra's POV:

Tragedy had struck.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran over to the collasped wall. There was a huge palm tree laying on top of the bed and there was a man underneath of it. I ran over to the bed and looked at the victim.

"Liam!" I screamed again and started brushing the leaves off of his face. He was unconscious, but he looked like he was in so much pain. Zayn must've heard my screaming from across the hall because he came running to my side.

"What happened here!" he yelled looking at the gaping hole in the wall.

"I.... I dont know." I managed to choke out through my sobbing. Zayn had started to freak out and tried to lift the tree off of him. I tried helping but we werent strong enough.

"I'll call the police." I said, I was getting rather light-headed and scared. I slowly pulled my phone out to a text from Harry.

From: Harry

Its thundering and lightening out, come sleep with me tonight? :) xx. - Harry<3

I quickly exited out of it and dialed 911.

'LPD, what is your emergency?' the woman on the other line said calmly. (Yes, London PD.)

'There was a lightening bolt that hit a tree outside and it- it came through my brothers hotel room and its on top of him.' I choked out starting to hypervenilate.

'Ma'am calm down, what hotel are you staying at?' I told her.. 'Help is on the way, remain calm and do not try to move the tree, this may worsen your brothers condition.' I nodded and hung up.

"Zayn! Stop it! We arent supposed to be moving the tree you could puncture him by moving it, stop." I yelled.

"Its just..... He's my bestfriend, I cant live without him. He needs to be okay!" He belted out trying to move the tree again. I ran over to him and embraced him in a hug.

"He'll be okay, he has to be okay." I said with tears running down my face. "Go find everyone, they need to know." I cried more and crawled onto Liams' bed. I looked down at his pain filled face and started playing with his hair.

"Liam, you have to be okay." I silently cried. I heard someone scream down the hall followed by many running feet.

"LIAM!" I heard Danielle yell behind me, which made me cry even harder. Which made my breathing even more uneasy than it already was. She burst into tears on the ground before even making it to the bed. I couldnt let her see him like this. I looked down at my blood drenched hands. Where was he bleeding from? I started looking around for any scrapes or gashes.

"Out of the way, Out of the way!" I heard a few men yelling as they entered the room. I jumped off the bed and watched as 3 firemen started their chainsaws and cut the tree into 3 smaller pieces. They slowly picked the tree off of my brother. I sat in the corner helplessly crying.

"Paramedics!" one of the men yelled. 2 EMTs in blue scrubs ran over and carefully lifted Liam onto the stretcher.

"Is anyone here related to this man?" the women yelled. I stood up and ran over.

"Yeah...... Yeah I'm, I am.. I'm his sister, Is he going to be okay? Please tell me he is going to be okay!" I begged, crying even more.

"We wont know until we get to the ambulance, follow us and keep up, because we have no time to wait." I nodded and looked at Danielle who was still bawling on the floor.

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