Sincheong 17: Call from Reality

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AN: An update! Can you hear me bawling my heart out? This one is for all the new readers and  fans. Thank you. :**


Many things can happen in just a few hours, what more if it’s a few weeks or months?

First, EXO Lost Planet. Need I say more? The first ever official solo concert of EXO!

Second, EXO-L. Nope. Not a sub-unit of EXO but their official fanclub’s name. (PS: Let me question SM’s priority. F(x) rings a bell?)

Third, The Debut. Also known as “When Will Sachee Really Debut?” With changing minds comes with changing schedules.. You're starting to really question SM’s competency they said they will let you make your debut in a few months but.. Surprise! Red Velvet made their debut first. *slow claps for SME*

Fourth, Kyungsoo. Your relationship is kinda on a break. Not a break-break but more of a.. “I’m busy with my career but I’ll make time for you because I like you a lot.” kind of break.

So on to the story..

“Aaaah!” you screamed as someone covered your eyes from behind.

“Guess who.” the voice sing-songed. You grinned playfully; you knew this voice for quite a while now. Of course, this person is almost with you twenty four seven.

You shrugged teasingly, “Frankenstein?”

“You can guess better than that!” the childish voice persisted.

You removed her hands that were covering your eyes and stuck out your tongue. “Bleeeh! I know that it’s you, Yumi.”

“You’re no fun, Sachi.” she pouted, “I don’t want to practice anymore!” she whined as she slumped down the floor.

Following her suit, you did the same. Truth is, you’ve been here since early morning and now it’s half past noon.

“Yaaah~ Yumi,” you called your friend. Yes, you two are already chummy chummy. “I’m hungryyyyy~” you bleated, earning a look from her.

“Suck it up, Sachi. You know that the management told us to lose weight.” Yumi stated.

Well that part was true. The management did tell you that. BUT FOOD IS YOUR FIRST LOVE AND EATING IS YOUR HOBBY. Plus with all the training you’re doing…

You’re hungry. You’re tired and now you’re crabby.

“THEY DIDN’T SAY TO STARVE OURSELVES.” You bolted up and went to you stuff. “Aha!” you shouted as if you saw a goldmine. “YEY! YEY!”

“What now?”

You smirked and showed off the jar of cookies hidden inside you knapsack. “Girls scout!”

Soon enough,  you two are gulping down every bits of cookies you have. Break time is so sweet! HEAVEN~

“Sachi~” Yumi whispered, looking around. As if someone would hear you two chatting.


 “You heard about the thing going on with Baekhyun-sunbaenim and Taeyeon-sunbaenim, right?” she asked, lowering her voice even more that you have to come closer to hear her almost inaudible voice.

You gasped. “YES! OH MY GOSH! YES! WHY?!” you inner gossipmonger was unleashed, that you couldn’t help but blabber. “DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!”


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