Chapter 21

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The autobots were in the main room talking with each other quietly as few predacons had went to scout. Ratchet, as usual, was working with his computer. 

"SHE IS AWAKE!" Electroflash shouted after she had ran into the main room, almost tripping over her own ped but managing to keep balance.

"She is?" Ratchet asked, not believing his audio receptors before the team followed the predacon to the medbay. Lightning Shadow was awake and standing on her feet already.

Natureskull wasted no time and quickly ran in with Storm not far behind. "I thought we lost you." Nature said as he hugged Shadow. Storm joined the hug.

Shadow smiled and hugged back. "I'm tougher than I look." Shadow chuckled softly after she had pulled away from the hug. Just then she noticed her mate having tears in his optics. Tears of happiness. Shadow wiped the tears away and gave her mate a loving kiss which Nature gladly returned.

Metalwave came from Razor Fang's shoulder to Lightning Shadow's and chirped in joy of having his master back. Shadow scratched under the minicon's chin with a smile on her dermas. 

Other predacons gathered around the three and so did the autobots. "It's good to have you back Lightning Shadow." The leader of the last named team told with a calm expression.

The leader of the predacons nodded as in to thank him. "So...what now?" Electroflash suddenly asked.

"I'd say we beat the scrap out of the decepticons for doing this to our leader." Tornadoblade answered while hitting his fist in his servo with a strong clank of metal hitting metal. "Agreed." Bulkhead nodded in agreement but paused when Optimus put a hand on his shoulderplate.

"We can't rush into things without having any sort of a plan." Optimus told calmly. Now was Shadow's turn to nod, totally agreeing with Prime. "Before we do anything else I want to know what happened?" Lightning Shadow brought out the fact that she actually didn't remember what had happened. Nature explained with the help of the autobots' second in command.


Author Note:

Hello people. I'm very sorry for not being able to update the book. First reason isthat I had no ideas and still need some help with it. Second reason is that I am moving and I'm busy at the moment. I'll try to update sooner if I can. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe everyone and don't let the corona virus get you.

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