CJ x Felix request!

Start from the beginning

I think it's time for a game get through a simple game of hide and seek. Your weapon is on the table don't die. Whenever you're ready to give up just say so. Your seeking us so don't let me down or it won't end well. 


I shook my head "Great I'm on Neverland!" I basically yelled. I grabbed the bow and arrows and made my way through the camp. "They didn't say that I couldn't just hide here," I said knowing at least one Lost boy would be able to hear me. While making a hideout in each tent I made sure to booby-trap them all, except the one I'm in. After rigging all the tents I went in search of food making note that the boys are probably following me in the trees. Taking out the bow I counted the arrows that totaled to be 22 arrows. After what felt like forever I came across a birds nest so I waited for a bird to come and luckily one did so I shot it and grabbed it by the feet before heading out to find some water. 

PANS POV (Sorry for all the jumps) 

She started going to the lagoon "Boys this should be good." All of us were following her as to see if she's really as weak as Wendy and so far she's okay but still not staying. When we made it to the lagoon CJ was staring at the water. "Your kidding." She said laughing one of the mermaids swam up to her causing her to stop. "Hi." CJ looked at her funny "Sup? I guess" Coral (the mermaid) looked confused before using the oldest trick in the book. "Are those feet?" She asked it may be an innocent question but if used correctly it can be very deadly. "Yeah, why?" "May I see?" CJ rolled her eyes "You are seeing" she stepped back and lifted her leg to show her foot. "See" Some of the boys snickered. "But can I feel them please I only have a fin." CJ rolled her eyes "Nope not happening sister you see last time I heard a story about a mermaid y'all drown people and that's not on my to-do list today so sorry." Coral screamed, "You useless human just let me see them!" She tried jumping out of the water but CJ backed up causing her to miss. "So let me get this straight me the human is useless but you can't grab my useless feet so wouldn't that make it that you're the useless one?" More boys snickered, "Well just please?" Coral tried again getting an eye roll from CJ. "Honey if your going to be two-faced at least make on pretty." She said before going back to camp. Almost all the boys were laughing at Coral making her even angrier. 

As we went back to camp some of the boys were talking about the newcomer and her abilities. When we got to camp she had already cooked the bird and was about to eat it when she turned and looked at the group smirking. "You know if you're going to follow someone please try to be quiet about it. I opened my mouth in disbelief no one has EVER found us in a game before. We all dropped to the ground. "Alright, lass now tell me how did you know we were up there?" I asked needing to know the answer. She laughed "I didn't but since I won can I go to bed?" Despite the fact that I just got tricked by a girl I nodded and dismissed the boys for bed. "I wouldn't" She was cut off by a bunch of screams and boys running out of their tents "do that." Most of the boys were either covered in feathers or in dirt and mud. CJ started laughing uncontrollably. All the boys looked at her "You know if you guys were actually paying attention then you would have known that I put stuff in all of the tents." She said laughing. After each of the boys cleaned up themselves and their tents CJ had stopped laughing. "You know girl normally I would have put you in a cage for that." I said trying to sound like I would do it. She rolled her eyes "If that's the case then your not who people say you are, since your apparently the 'King' of fun." She said with a smirk, before I could respond Felix walked up to us. "You know CJ he has put people in the cages I wouldn't test him as it won't end well." Felix said trying to scare her. "Well then Blondie that's probably be why you guys don't have many friends." She said before climbing a tree and falling asleep. "She's staying right?" I rolled my eyes at Felix "For a bit maybe."

*2 months later (Still Pans POV)*

To say that CJ could survive is an understatement, every time that I challenge her she always passes it's annoying. At the moment CJ is helping the boys with shooting arrows, and being the person that I am I started listening in on the conversation that was going on. "So you pull back the arrow and aim at the target and... let go" she explained while showing the boys. "Thanks CJ your the best!" "Yeah CJ I wish you could stay forever and that way you could be our sister it would be AMAZING" CJ laughed "Maybe I'll stay but first why don't you go and dog pile Pan? I heard that whoever gets him is going to get to pick dinner tonight." She said knowing full well that, that's not true. As the boys went looking for me Felix went up to her and they started talking. "So CJ your getting popular with all the ankle bitters, i'm surprised." "Well when you stop yelling at them and talk to them their not that bad." Felix nodded "That makes sense you CJ what do you think of Neverland so far?" I laughed 'smooth Felix real smooth' she laughed "It's good but it would be better if PETER WOULD STOP LISTENING IN ON CONVERSATIONS!" I walked out of my hiding spot "Your good newbie but not that good." I said walking away "Okay Tinkerbell if you say so." Felix started laughing at her joke and I started wondering when the hell they will get together already. Everyday he looks for her it's annoying or he'll watch from afar and try to make a conversation. I turned around to them when a thought came to me. "Hey Felix are you going to ask her out yet or no because I don't like hearing you talk about her all the time." I said before walking away for real this time.


As Pan walked away Felix started to try and do the same thing. "Soooo Blondie you like me?" I said already knowing the answer he nodded. "Well then meet me at the cliff in an hour and for the love you Pete sake wash up and change."  During the hour of getting ready I changed, made food, and walked up to the cliff where Felix already was. After eating and laughing a lot Felix had asked me to be his girlfriend which I said yes too.

*Two years later*

"HELP!" I yelled while running with the smaller boy who where all laughing . We ran to the trap set up for Felix and Peter and waited. "Now remember this is all Devon's idea okay?" all the smaller boys nodded. Not even 10 minutes later Felix and Peter ran into the trap causing all of us not in the trap to laugh. "Really babe faking a kidnapping just to what put us in a net?" I laughed "Yep and you fell for it just proving that you both are still the foolish lost boys I met all those years ago." I said walking up to the net that was holding them by their feet, allowing me to be face to upside down face with Felix
he smiled "But i'm YOUR foolish lost boy." I kissed him "Yeah but I'm not helping you down." I said taking the smaller boys to camp leaving the 'big boys' to handle themselves.

DONE finally hope this is what you wanted and yeah I'm not dead thanks to _MarvelFangirl101_ for requesting this.

word count 2238

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