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MatPat's POV

"But hey, that's just a theory and certainly not legal advice! Consider this your official legal disclaimer that I am not a lawyer. Even though we talked to a lot of lawyers this episode, and if you get yourself into hot water for distributing your fan art, you can use this video as an interesting talking piece with your legal counsel. But don't b assuming that, I, MatPat, will be standing up for you in court as your legal defense. 'Here watch this youtube video on FNaF fan  art?' No, it's really not going to work. Okay? Okay!" I smile. "Keep farting it up out there guys. And remember, that's it's just a theory. a game theory! Thanks for watching!"

I end the video and sit down on the couch. I sigh and look at the time. 4:34 pm.

"Nate should be done by now," I say to no one.

"He's not," someone answered. "He left early, so did AJ and Rayne."

"Hello?" I ask, jumping off the couch.


"Haha, very funny, seriously, who is here? And how the heck did you get in my gosh darn HOUSE!" I yell.

"O, Matthew, you're cute when you are ticked off," the intruder said. "SWEET! NOW YOU ARE BLUSHING!"

"Where are you!?" I asked.  "AND I AM NOT BLUSHING!!!"

"On top of you," he answered jumping onto me.

"That's' so very funny, " I say throwing him off of me.

He looks up and our eyes locked. 

"Mad?!?!" I asked shocked. I thought he had faded. Plus, he's not had an appearance since FNaF the Musical.

"Surprised aren't ya, Matty," Mad hissed.

"Well, yeah." 

"Cute. You missed me."

"Shut up."

I lunged at him, hitting him square in the chest. We wrestled on the ground for a bit, then he finally got on top of me.

"Well, play time is over now, Matty," Mad hissed pulling out a syringe. "Night, night."

He stuck the syringe in my neck and I felt the fluid enter my body. I lie there as still as I could to keep the fluid from spreading through my body. However, my heart was already beating fast from our wrestle on the floor. I gave up fighting the fluid and I fell unconscious.

This is Just the Beginning... (Old, Discontinued.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu