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A/N: ok hi I decided to give her a name because I'm tired of writing Y/N all the time. Her name is Cameryn. Anyway enjoy🤗
Italics = her thoughts 
Author POV
This past two weeks has been hell for you. It's finals week so everyone is trying to study every chance they get. Your study buddies have been Taehyung and Jimin (AN: Taehyung and Jimin are also seniors with you while Jungkook is a junior). On top of that you've been practicing volleyball everyday because scouts are coming to your final game and you're hoping to get a scholarship. You also caught your boyfriend of five months kissing another girl from your class. So you could say calling this past week stressful is an understatement.

Now it's Friday and you're the only one left in gym after volleyball practice still going at it. You're taking all your hurt, anger, and stress out on the ball. But once it hits you like a thousand bricks you can't stop the tears from rolling down your face. You try to stop yourself the best you can. After fifteen minutes of you hyperventilating you finally come to a steady breath. You leave the gym and walk home seeing as your brothers left right after school. You try take this opportunity to have a quiet peaceful time but all the emotions and worries are still running wild in your brain. It felt like a hundred chickens with their head cut off where going wild in your mind.

Once you get home you walk straight to your room ignoring the calls of "hey sweetie" and "hey Cam" from your dad and brothers.  "What's wrong with her," Namjoon asked sipping from his beer bottle. He was slightly concerned for his daughter though he thought it was just her being moody. "A lot actually. Everyone's been stressed with finals and she caught her boyfriend cheating on her, so she's under a lot of pressure right now," Jimin said pressing his lips together at the mention of his sisters ex-boyfriend.  "That's little shit head, who'd he cheat with," Namjoon asked his protective side coming out. He loves all his kids equally but he protects Cameryn the most since she was the only girl and she was of a different race of the rest of them.

"Some girl named Ki-Soon. She's the cheer captain. He probably only wanted her because she's popular," Jungkook rolled his eyes at the mention of her name. They all went back to watching the football game on TV until they heard a crashing sound and a scream come from Cameryn's room.

Cameryn's POV
I can't stop crying. All the stress, pain, hurt from these past few weeks has just exploded out of me like a bomb. My eyes wander my room looking for something that will calm me down, and they land on a picture of my ex-boyfriend and I. I throw it as hard as I can against the wall to release stress. That doesn't feel good enough. I let out a ear-piercing scream. Now that felt better.
Who is at my door and for what reason. I just want to be left alone. I open to door to see the worried face of my dad, he's rapidly looking around as if he's looking for someone. "What are you looking for," I ask confused and kind of annoyed. "I heard you scream and I thought something had happened." "Well nothing's wrong so can you leave me be please," I try closing the door but his foot stops me. "Are you ok. I've heard you've been going through a lot of stress. If you need to talk to me panda (AN: Panda is your nickname ;>) you can." " I'm fine." "No you're not." "Yes I am." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yess." "No you're not." "IF I SAID IM FINE IM FINE," at this point I've lost all patience.

But I don't even have time to be annoyed before I'm thrown over the shoulder of my father and brought to my bed. I land with a thump while he calmly sits down. I look at him with a pout because that completely caught me off guard. He starts chuckling  at the look on my face. Is he really laughing at me. Now the my pout is gone and I'm looking like I'm annoyed asf. Which I AM.

"Look I know you've been going through a lot and I understand that but you need to come talk to one of us to let it out. We all love you and want the best for you, so please talk to me," I can see the desperation of his face. "Ok fine, in all honesty I'm just really tired. Physically and mentally. I'm tired of school, the people I'm around suck. I'm tired of the stares I get from Korean people. I'm tired of the judging and surprised looks we get when we go out as a family, because SURPRISINGLY a black girl is with a Korean family. I'm tired of being second best on societies beauty standards. I'm just really tired dad. I love Korea, I really do, but I don't think it loves me back."

Namjoon's POV
I know what she's saying is true but I'm surprised at how I didn't see how she was feeling. "Baby I completely understand where you're coming from, I know Korea isn't the most excepting place but know that there are more good people here than you see. You don't see how many people stare at you with adoration and amazement. You don't know how many times your brothers and I have had to glare at boys to get them to stop looking at you. Trust me it's been plenty." The beautiful sound of her laughter fills my ears and I've never been happier. "Just know don't let what others think about you stop you from loving yourself. (AN: this is HARDCORE facts) Not everyone is going to like you Cam, some might even not like you based on your skin. But don't let them stop you from seeking people who like you for your personality." I can see on her face that she's listening to every word that I'm saying and I hope she engraves it into her brain. " I love you panda no matter how anyone else feels, alright," I finish with a small. " I love you too dad, so so much," she brings me into a tight hug. As if I may never see her again. But that would never happen because I love her 3000.
Heyyyy mother-funk-shits
I'm soo sorry for the wait
I literally have no excuse on why I haven't updated but I'm here.
Sooo get ready for some more imagines and other tingz.
I know some of you guys requested me to do other idols as well but I only know a handful soooo
If you guys would like to see imagines about
• Got7
• Christian Yu
• Jay Park
• Gray
• Lay
• Stray Kids

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