¹ᴼ She's Got A Gun

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CASEY AND I returned to Elisia with her cup of wine. I took the other one but rarely sipped it. I had to stay sober enough to drive home. Elisia on the other hand, gulfed it down in one swallow.

"Cole! I'm gonna go walk around, wanna come along?" Elisia asks me. I agree, mostly just to make sure she didn't get hurt or hurt anyone else...

We walked upstairs and started to look around in room and bathrooms, I wasn't really sure what we were looking for but Elisia seemed to have a specific thing in mind. We entered a room that was lined with cabinets and drawers. There was a desk covered in papers in the middle of the room. I guessed it was an office. Elisia started looking through the cabinets and drawers.

"What are you looking for?" I asked Elisia. She ignored me and opened a desk drawer and grinned. She picked up a metal object, a pistol.

"Elisia, don't touch that!" I whisper-yelled at her and she laughed.

"Casey's dad always keeps a gun in his office, he told Casey and I about it when those girls were being trafficked last year." Elisia held up the gun to eye level.

"What are you planning on doing with that?" I asked her. I was freaking out, I'd never been a fan of guns.

"I'm not sure, I just want it." Elisia sticks the gun in the back of her pants and grins. "Are you ready to go? This party is lame!"

"Elisia! You can't just steal a gun!" I was trying to get her to put the gun back, I knew what Elisia was capable of, who knew what would happen if someone made her mad while she owned a gun. Elisia needed help, I knew that.

"Come on! You're my designated driver!" Elisia exclaimed and stumbled down the stairs, she was deadly drunk.

A Girl Named ElisiaWhere stories live. Discover now