"Seahorse, you found your mate?" There was a slight smile creeping onto his face as I just nodded my head.

"Do I know him? Is he nice? Is he a merman or a mermaid? I will except them regardless of which way you sway."

"Yes, you do know him, and yes he is a merman. He comes from an honorable family, but I am not going to tell you who it is because I would like the rest of the school year free of you interrogating him." I laughed, and Dad joined in until Kai knocked on the door and came in.

Kai sat down in the chair next to me, and I grabbed the Elixir and handed it to my dad. "I was gifted the Elixir of the Sea for my birthday, and I wanted to give it to you to use first. Then I want Kai to have it, and then I'll get it last. I think its only fair that you get to see mom after all these years."

I could see his eyes glossing over before he quickly blinked it away and took the bottle. "Thank you, Seahorse." His words were so genuine, and I could tell that seeing mom even for a few minutes to an hour was all he wanted.

"Son, why are you here?" There was hurt in his voice, but they must have worked through some of the bad blood.

"I wanted to ask for a title at court. After all these years, I realized that I missed court. I just didn't miss being called prince. So, I came to ask for a title so that I may truly be respected at court."

I watched as Dad's face contorted, trying to figure out what title to give him. Archduke would be the best choice as it would show how close he is to the crown. Of course, having such a powerful title would mean total devotion to time at court. So the next possible title would be Marquess but that involved securing the borders with soldiers. Kai is a pacifist at heart, and anything involving war always went against his morals. But then there was the title Earl. Often times the title was more honorary than any other title, and an Earl has special ties to the monarch. An Earl typically does unique services for the King or Queen such as finding out information about a foe. Kai has allies rivalling even mine due to his time away from court. The role was perfect for him.

"Earl, Dad. He should be an Earl, and may I suggest that he take over for the late Earl Monsur. The title would allow him to come and go as he pleased, and if he took over for the Earl Monsur, he would also have the Melodiam castle which is not only located near this castle, but it is a castle dedicated to music." I cracked my knuckles and leaned back into my chair while both Dad and Kai looked at me in awe because I came to the conclusion in mere seconds.

Dad pulled out some papers from his desk and had Kai sign it which declared him an Earl. He had his seal mended to show his new title and with his title would come more respect from those around him. Of course, even untitled my brother was spoken to with respect due to his blood being that of an Okeah, but the title would stop the rumors.

I looked at the clock above my father's head and saw that it read 2:45 which made my attention turn to my dad. "Dad, you know it's two in the morning, and you go to sleep at nine. How are you awake?"

"Well, you see Seahorse, I have been up a little later than usual these past few weeks." He was scratching the back of his head, and I knew that he was holding something back. He always did that when he felt guilty about something. And then it hit me.


"Seahorse, I've been very busy without you around to help me."

"Dad, that's no excuse! You have to eat!"

"So after five hundred years, I finally came home, and you two are still fighting about food. It feels like I didn't miss anything." He stretched and put his hands behind his head.

I hit his arm as hard as I could and said as sweetly as possible, "You leave me for that long again, I will castrate you." It was a promise that I would keep.

Kai laughed, thinking that I was joking. Dad put his hand on Kai's shoulder and said, "Son, Aqua has fiercely loyal allies. I wouldn't put anything past her." Kai's face immediately paled.

"Gosh I love our family!" I shouted.



Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter, I know I did!!

Now that we have approached the 50th chapter I want to hear from all you readers what your favorite part of this book from what you have read so far?

On another note I have finals coming up this week so wish me luck!!

For those who have already left school Happy Summer!?


What Lies Beneath the WaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora