{Chapter 42}

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"Hi Lis" said my mother

Alyssa's pov

Why is she here, what could she possibly want with me now. She let me go, she chose to let me go, she could of stopped what she was doing but its was her decision to do what she did.

"Why the hell are you here" I said standing up

"Lis please just stop with the mouth and let me have a normal conversation with my daughter!" My mom said raising her voice a little

She hasn't changed one bit

"I'm 18 now I can talk to you any way I want, and I don't want to talk to you not what after you did" I said picking up Dalanie and walking out of the sandwich shop because people were starting to stare

"ALYSSA GET THE FUCK BACK HERE" my mom screamed down the street

"NO YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND I'M LEAVING WITH MY CHILD AND MY HUSBAND!" I shouted back grabbing Cams arm once he caught up with me

I looked at my mom right in the eye, you could see her shocked yet joyful expression. She missed her baby girl growing up, she missed her baby girl, have her first, she missed the birth of her grand daughter, she missed my wedding for the love of god.

She missed everything. And now all of a sudden she wants back into my life. Hell no.

"What you shocked, look what you have missed. Ya that's right everything" I said handing Dalanie to Cameron as I walked up to my mom. I was furious if she said anything right bow I would for sure go off.

"It wasn't my fault, I couldn't do anything" she said while putting her head down. Her voice lower than before


I then feel a hand come in contact with my cheek. Nothing new she did this to me all the time when I lived with her. Pain doesn't phase me.

I heard "Oh my god" and gasps when she hit me they shouldn't be shocked. Oh wait they should I never told them.

"Don't talk to me like that you bitch!" She screamed and grabbed my hair

I pushed her and smacked her trying to get away from her. I eventually did.

"I hate you don't ever come looking for me, because next time I will not hold back to beat your ass" I said running up to Cam and heading to the car.

We quickly drove off back to the house Can didn't say anything, probably thinking if he did I would flip, but I wouldn't. All I wanted to do was cry.

Finally we made it to the house. I quickly opened my door and slammed it shut and walked right up to the door. Leaving Cameron to get Dalanie.

I stormed up to our room and I just didn't know what to do.

I looked around the room I saw the dressers I walked over to them and screamed as I swiped everything off of them. Letting my anger out physically is the last straw for me.

I couldn't take it my mind was racing. I knew she would come back for even if I told her not to. I know she won't stop she's lost her mind. How she got out of jail. I don't know. How she got out of the mental hospital. I don't know. But I need to get away.

"Should I try it again". I said to myself as I look up into the mirror. I'm in the bathroom, door locked pill bottle is open.

I can hear Dalanie's cries from downstairs and Cameron trying to calm her down.

I start to cry, I begin to shake of how hard I was crying. Was I really gonna do this.


I grabbed my blade and wrote I love on one wrist and CD on the other the CD stood for Cam and Dalanie.

I was bleeding pretty bad I cut pretty deep but I didn't care I've done it so much it doesn't faze me.

I didn't clean up the blood I just let it took down my arms. I picked up the bottle looked in the mirror for the last time.

Good bye world

I lifted up a handful of about 20 pills this is it no turning back.

I lifted my hands up to my mouth and swallowed the pills.

I sat down agents the wall and eventually layed down. I closed my eyes and I let go.

Love doesn't last forever
It was all a mistake
One more cut
Bye world

Everything went black

Cam's pov

I let Lis go upstairs by herself to cool down. I had no idea her mom was going to be there. And I have no clue what her mom has done in the past. Shell probably tell me later.

I set Dalanie down on the couch and I heard screaming and stuff being thrown around. I knew Lis threw stuff when she was mad so I didn't put any thought into it.

Then Dalanie started to cry probably from Alyssa screaming and throwing stuff. I walked back over to her and picked her up and set her on my lap. I whispered shh in her ear and she calmed down.

It was quiet in the house no screaming or stuff being thrown around. Nothing I was starting to get worried. I hurried and ran over to Yasmin and Nash's house so they could watch Dalanie while I went to check on Lis.

"Yo Cam what's up" Nash said opening the door with Yasmin walking up right behind him

"Hi sorry this is last minute but can you please watch Dalanie for a bit I need to check on Lis" I said handing Dalanie over to Yasmin

"Ya sure is she ok?" Nash asked grabbing my arm as I tried to walk away

"I don't know" I said in a low tone before he let go and I ran down the hill back to our house.

I walked in and ran right up to our room. I'm not gonna lie I was scared to open the door. Who knows what could lye behind it.

I opened the door slowly and stuff was thrown everywhere. But no Lis.

I looked to my right the bathroom door was shut light on. I quickly ran to the door and opened it.

And there I saw her lifeless body

"NOOOO" I screamed

"You cant be gone" I said letting all the tears fall. She did it. She's gone.

**Authors Note**

Heyy y'all whts shakin bacon. So umm

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum