{Chapter 24}

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Cameron's pov

I woke up in my comfy bed, I just got back from Magcon Dallas and it was amazing. But I missed home and my mom. I sat up and stretched and grabbed my phone off my night stand. the usual notifications Twitter vine instagram. But then I see something that I thought I would never see in a million years. Alyssa texted me.

First off I was shocked that she texted. Second off I'm shocked even more of what the text said I love you

"MOM" I yelled for her to come up to my room

"What what what is wrong, are you ok are you hurt?" my mom bombarded me with questions

"No I'm fine kind of.... look" I said handing her mom phone. Tears threatening my eyes

She still loves me after everything I have done to her. If I was her I would never give me a second chance. I just can't wrap this around my head she still loves me. Tears coming down my face. I cry too much lately.

"Oh Cam shh shh your fine mommas her" she said wrapping her arms around me rubbing my back

"Mom she still loves me, do you think I will ever see her again?" I asked

"I don't know Cam, texting you maybe her way to show you that she is slowly wanting you back in her life" my mom said pressing her lips to my forehead.

I hope she comes back to my life I need her she makes me do things that I thought I would never do.

"You'll find her Cam trust me l my mom said walking out of my room

"Mom" I said in kind of a whisper but loud enough so she can hear.

"Yes Cameron" my mom said looking back at me

"I love and thanks" I said

"Love you to Cameron" she said and with that she left me in my room alone.

Leaving me in my room alone is not the best idea my mind was thinking so many thoughts that I literally thought for a second I was going insane.

My mind was jumbled up with what if's. Like what if I text Alyssa back will she answer me. What if I text her the wrong thing and I loose her from my life again but this tone there's no chance of me getting her back.

So I texted her

I love u 2 forever

Alyssa's pov

"Oh my god" I said out loud no one else was in the house but me and Dalanie but I have a habit of saying things out loud that shock me.

Cameron texted me back. I feel like a 13 year old girl again waiting for him to text me back. He said he loved me to. Tears were coming down my face, this has happened way too many times. I cry myself to sleep every night wishing that I could wake up with amnesia. Like all of this was just some twisted dream.

I hate being in this condition in front of Dalanie. Next thing I know she did something that amazed me. She put her hand up to my tear strained cheek, and just looked me straight in the eyes. Her Cameron eyes looking back at my green ones, it's like I'm looking right at Cameron right now.

Should I let Cameron back into my life, should I let the man who hurt me so bad back into my life, should I let the father of my child, the man who saved me, the love of my life back in to my life.

I thought about this all night didn't really do much, besides that. I thought about him all night the good times and the bad times I had with him.

Just one more cut no one notices

That's what I did,  slid the imperfectly sharp blade across my skin. Letting everything go to ease.

That night I cried myself to sleep, like usual just I cried harder and I couldn't stop. I want I need Cameron.

He is my reason to live.

**Author's Note**

heyy guys this is probably supper short but I have absolutely no idea were I am going with this story. but ya guys we r almost to 4k reads do u think tonight we can get to that. please and thank you. luv u guys so much. thx again for the reads tell ur friends vote comment, and lastly u can follow me on my social media's

instagram @AlyssaPage_

Twitter @AlyssaPage_

kik lyssadallas11

Behind the Bracelets (Cameron Dallas/ JC Caylen FanFic)**EDITING**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang