Chapter Fifteen : "I have work to do"

Start from the beginning

"How do you know that?! She could be out there being smothered in the fog and you don't even wanna go look for her or at least call out for her?!" Bellamy yelled at Finn.

Finn looked at Bellamy, stuck. He didn't say anything but kept messing with the tent.

"Alex!" Bellamy yells looking into the woods for the girl.

"Bellamy stop you'll call the grounders back." Finn told him.

"The ran from the fog." Bellamy said to him. "Idiot." He whispered the last part.

"Alex!" Bellamy yelled again.

Bellamy was starting to get worried. He knew she hadn't gone too far. He had to go find her.

"Stay here." He told the two guys.

"Where are you going?" The other boy asked.

"I'm going to go look for her."

"Take this." Finn told him and threw him an extra tent.

Bellamy put it in his back pack and started running, looking for Alex.

*Alexs P.O.V*

They couldn't have gone far. I didn't run that far. Where are they?

Just keep running.

I was losing my breath and my legs were getting sore. I look behind me and see the acid fog, slowly making its way to me. (I know in the episode there was no fog but, I am adding my own thing.)

I don't think I'm going to make it. The acid fog keeps coming, creeping its way into the forest. I can start to smell the fog through my mask.

I have to stop.

I purposely ran into a tree and try to keep my balance. Coughing, I hold my stomach as I breathe in the fumes of the fog. My vision getting blurry. This might also be because I haven't eaten in awhile and I fell down that hill and hit my head. Which still hurts. I touch the back of my head and wince. Yup, still hurts.

"Alex!" I faintly hear someone yell.

I'm losing my balance. My legs get wobbly and it's hard to keep myself up. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I can feel the fog behind me. I turn and see it just a couple feet away from me. Well, guess this is it.

I get on my hands and knees and choke up what is left in my stomach onto the ground.

"Alex!" There's the screaming again.

I feel someone wrap there arms around my waist and put me over there shoulder and they start running. We run for awhile and I start losing consciousness.

"Alex, you need to stay awake please." I hear Bellamy say.

A few minutes pass and I am laid down on the ground.

"Ok, I need you to wake up." He says.

"No." I moan.

"Please princess." He begs.

I open my eyes and see Bellamy looking into my eyes.

"I need you to get in."

"Get in where." I ask him.

"Here." He points as he opens what looks like an old car door.

"Fine." I say and crawl into the old thing.

"Good girl." He says to me. He enters after me sitting on one of the back seats of the car.

I sit on the left side of the car in the back and Bellamy on the right. I lean my head back against the seat. But I jerk my head up right after because I laid right on my injury.

"Ow." I sit up and hold the back of my head.

"Let me see your head." Bellamy orders and moves to the middle seat.

"No." I say and move my head away and move closer to the door.

"Alex." Bellamy says my name in a demanding way. It's kinda hot. Wait, no stop. I can't think about that right now, or ever!

I sit up straight facing him and put my arms down, letting them rest on my lap.

"Take your hood off." He tells me.

I grab my hood and take it off my head.

"Turn towards the window." And I do, not wanting to piss him off, again.

I look out the dirty window and see the now yellow forest. Anything in the fogs path now being killed. It seems awfully still and calm, like I could walk out there and feel the fog on my skin.

"It's not too bad." I bring myself back to reality and turn to Bellamy.

"Well it hurts like hell." I say.

"I bet. I saw you fall." He starts giggling.

"What's so funny about me falling?" I sit up even straighter than I was before.

"It's just that-" He breaks out laughing, each word he says with a mixture of his laugh. "While you were falling your legs came up over your head and-" More laughing and his eyes watering, I just roll my eyes.

"Haha, very funny." I cross my arms.

"It was." He says, he laughter getting quieter and slower and he wipes the little tears from his eyes.

I sit back in my seat and look out the window. It wasn't that funny.

"Hey, I'm just playing with you." He playfully hits my arm.

"I know." Now I start laughing.

"Are laughing because I was or is it something else?"

"I was just remembering when I saved your life with the panther. When you saw me, you had the best look on your face." I say with more laughter.

"Ok, fine have your laugh." He throws his hands up and sit back.

I look at him and for the first time really look at him. He has curly dark brown hair, freckles that look like constellations on his face, beautiful chocolate eyes and nice lips. Those lips that he used to distract me. Now that I think about it, it worked and it was a nice kiss. I look back at his eyes and he is looking at my lips now.

He leans forward. I lean back just the slightest bit, not knowing what to do. He leans in more and now I am up against the car door. I close my eyes and wait. I feel his warm breath hitting my lips. Next comes his lips. I let out a little squeal as his lips crash against mine. Soft and firm. He puts his right arm on my shoulder and his left behind my head. 

I push him away, taking in long breathes trying to catch my breath. I'm about to apologize and it looks like he is too, but we get interrupted.

Knock knock.

Bellamy wipes the window with his hand and outside is a boy and Finn. We open the door and the cold fresh air hits my lungs like a punch.

"We are following a grounder and he was going this way when we found this car." The other boy says.

I exit the car first and stand up taking deeps breaths.

"Where'd he go?" Bellamy asks.

The boys points ahead of us and in the distance you can see someone walking away.

I pull my hood up and grab my sword.

"Let's go." I say.

The three boys nod and we start walking following the grounder.

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