Chapter Four : "They saw me"

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I didn't have anything else to do so I walked to the Skaikru camp.

It was dark out so I didn't have to climb a tree to hide.

They were all standing by a big fire and the smell of meat mades its way to me making me remember I had barely eaten at all today.

I watched as a guy was taking those metal bracelets off some of the kids and then they walked to Bellamy who hands them meat, which I'm guessing is the panther. There has to be something special about those bracelets. I'll talk to Lincoln when I get back, he has been watching them as well.


I heard a twig snap and I look behind me to see Octavia following a butterfly into the woods.

She is so.....innocent? Air head? I don't know.

I followed her so she wouldn't get hurt. She shouldn't be out here by herself.

What if I talked to her? She is by herself. If she tells everyone then, oh well.

I slowly walked up to her up front so she could see me coming and have a chance to run if she wants.

She saw me and fell on her butt. Thud.


"I'm not here to hurt you." I told her.

"Y-you speak english." She said.

"Yes and Trigedasleng oh, and sign language."

She had the most confused look on her face.

"I'm Alex." I held my hand up to pull her up.

She hesitated for a minute but then took my hand.

I pulled my hood down to reveal my face that was still covered in black paint.

"Octavia." She said as she dusted herself off.

"I know." She looked she terrified. "I've been watching you guys ever since you got here."

"You have?"

"Yes, me and my two friends as well."

"There are more of you?" She asked.

"Of course. Did you think I was the only one?"

"Are you the one my brother saw earlier?"


"Thank you, for saving my brother."

"No problem."

"So you are a girl?"

I looked at her with wide eyes. How could she tell straight away?

"My brother said you were a guy."

"It's complicated but yes, I am a girl." I answered.

"So you're a Grounder?"


"What do you mean?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face.

I felt like a could trust her and if she told anyone else I could always give a drink of the poison I have that erases memories up to one day.

So, I sat down, sighed and told her everything.

"Wow." Is all she said as she stared into the forest.

"So you've had to hide your gender your whole life?" She asked.

"Pretty much yea."

"I know how that feels."

"What?" I asked.


I looked at her with a questioning face.

"A story for another time."


"I'm not gonna tell anyone." She said looking at her camp, then back at me, "You know that we met or anything."

"Thank you."

I stood up.

"I should get going."

"It was nice meeting and talking to you." She shook my hand.

"You too."

"Octavia!" I heard someone shout and heard footsteps coming our way.

"Go." Octavia whispered.

I looked at her.

"I'll be fine. Now, go!" She assured me.

I put my hood back up and started running, I stopped, turned and waved at her, she waved back then, I went home.

I reached my house and collapsed on my bed. I am so happy I could talk to someone, especially a girl. The only friends I have are Rex and Lincoln and it's nice having guy friends but, this is different.

I didn't even bother changing, I just fell asleep with a stupid smile on my face.

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