7.Life tho?

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I am literarily dragging my body towards the direction of my locker to take my books for the next class, I didn't feel so good, and staying awake all night did not make it any better, I felt like I had been run over by a bus, I thought long and hard of where to get that amount of money from but I had no clue, the money wasn't my only damn problem.

"Morning Cassie " I turned to see Abraham waving at me
"Morning" I grumpily replied. "Someone did not get any beauty sleep" he wrapped his hand around my shoulder. I shrugged him off not in the mood, I didn't want to carry any extra weight.

"No, I did not " I answered, and we both walked to class, it was the only class I didn't have with Gloria I was happy because she noticed any slight change in my mood and questioned it, I wasn't in the mood for her questioning so I sat on my seat silently scribbling random nonsense in my notebook, Adam didn't bother any longer, deeply lost in thought, and I couldn't help but think back to what Mr Wilson told me that day. The university was going to fully sponsor my education and accommodation except I have to pay for my plane tickets. I don't even have a passport to be able to fly Internationally and Stella is not going to get one for me if I ask nicely. It going to cost me lots of money to prepare my passport and get my plane ticket.

The fact that I can not afford it is not the problem, it is that I can't apply for a passport on my own without Stella, I need a legal guardian to do that and Stella will never do anything good for me.

I was so out of it that Gloria called me out on it the whole day but I refused to tell her what was wrong with me, I told her it was my time of the month to get her off my case. I am sad and angry I thought I finally had a chance. But it was all a facade.

I went back home, stayed in my room, and was unable to make dinner, I felt like I was dying at that point, so I closed my eyes, right at this point I didn't care about anything, I caused my parents who gave birth to me in a shitty world and abandoned me, I caused Stella for showing me love and taking it away without care of my feelings. I hated life for taking my Dad away.

I closed my eyes, I hadn't eaten all day I was used to this lifestyle, but my body was weak and needed any energy it could get, I was tired of everything at this moment, I didn't want to fight for life, I just wanted to disappear, I cry myself to sleep hoping not to wake up.

I woke up to see myself in my room, I checked the time and it was late at night, I was sweating and my temperature was high but I felt cold inside. I tried to stand up but groaned in pain, I forced myself up and crawled downstairs, it took me hours to get to the kitchen, I saw a note on the fridge,

We are sleeping out, we will be coming back in a week, I do not have to contact you with whatever you have, so make sure to take care of yourself before we come back, I can't have you dying in my house, you can eat whatever you want just for today.

PS DON'T YOU DARE DIE IN MY HOUSE. If you are not better when I get back you are toast, you better not be pregnant.

I angrily clench the paper and throw it inside the bin, I can't believe she found me sick and didn't bother to take me to the hospital, I bet even some dogs get better, treatment than I do, on a brighter note I have permission to eat whatever I want and I got the house all to myself for a change,

I muttered up the last strength I had and made myself chicken soup, I was excited I hadn't eaten chicken in a long time and I had forgotten the taste. I quickly ate and licked everything up, I felt better than I did in years, I went to the cabinet and searched for the first aid kit, I am sure I kept an aspirin inside.

"Found it " I whispered to myself, I brought it out and took it, I rubbed the ointment on my burned palm, it reduced the intense pain I was feeling, I wrapped my wrist with a bandage. I took ice cream from the fridge and took out all the junk food my hands could find I didn't care about anything at the moment, so I went to the living room and switched on the television, I searched for a good show to watch.

Stella doesn't let me watch television, so this was like a big break for me. I munched on my popcorn and snacks. I fell asleep on the couch and it was the best sleep I had in a long time.

I woke up the next morning feeling energetic, I had the best sleep of my life, and I checked the clock and panicked before my memory filled up with the missing space.

"Am home alone, so I don't have to cook for anyone " I facepalmed myself. So I am going to make the most of it, yeah am going to do everything Stella asks me not to.

"I will start with breakfast " I grinned to myself.

Cassie حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن