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my adopted mom fits the role of Cinderella steps mom perfectly. She refused to hire a maid in the house and let me do all the work in the huge mansion. immediately after dad's death, she fired all the maid. Claiming she didn't have money to pay them.

She made me do all the work saying I have to pay her for feeding me and for living under her roof. I know right it's a pathetic excuse. Because she barely feeds me. If she caught me eating she always lash at me saying all I do is to eat her food. she would end up giving me More chores to do. telling me I have to work for the food I ate.

my siblings, The twins Ella and Evans play the role of Cinderella mean stepsisters the only difference is the fact that Evan is a boy but that doesn't make them both less evil. While my adopted dad was like Cinderella's father who cared and took good Care of her just like Cinderella after his death I was turned into a slave. But the only difference between Cinderella and I was the fact that I don't believe in happily ever after. It was clearly only made for movies and not for reality.

I guess I should hurry up with breakfast before Stella makes me wash the stairs with a toothbrush again or give me a stupid chore just to get me late for school again. I finished making breakfast shortly after as I set the dining table in the dining room. I heard heels clicking on the floor, I look up and saw Ella coming towards the dining room.

"phew" I blew a sigh of relief using hand to wipe off sweat from my forehead, I was happy that I prepared breakfast on time. She came into the dining room and sat down on the dining chair.

As usual, she was dressed like a slut with a light blue sequence dress that hugged her body like a second skin, the dress exposed her cleavage. Not to talk of how short the dress was. She has light blonde wavy shoulder-length hair, with a curvy figure and baby blue eyes. She is really pretty but doesn't really are about anyone but her self. Don't let her look fools you!! she is pure evil.

she must have to spend extra time doing her make up today because it looks like a clown baffled on her face. but am not going to tell her that.

She came into the kitchen and scoff staring at me with disgust, with the way she always stares at me I would think she wouldn't want to eat my food, but she eats it anyway.

I wasn't really bordered by her bitchy attitude, I couldn't care less what she thought about me. I ignored her presence and acted like she didn't exist. And continue with my chores until I held her say.

"Get me my coffee maid " she spat at me with a smirk emphasizing more on the maid. I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes but I held them back preventing them from falling cause I don't want a single drop of my tears wasted on people that are definitely not worth it.

Even if I had heard a lot of abusive words directed at me from the people who are supposed to be my family, I could not help but feel sad. "But definitely not today Cassie," I said to myself self Without bordering to glance at her, I went inside the kitchen made a cup of coffee, going back into the dining room and putting on the table in front of her.

I noticed Evans was already having his breakfast he must have come into the dining room when I went to get Ella coffee. Stella hasn't come down for breakfast yet. That gives me the opportunity to sneak out some food to take to school, I haven't eaten a real meal for days now. Evans only glanced at me and glared before continuing with his breakfast.

After I finish with all my chores for the morning I went to the kitchen to get my bag pack. I checked the time and it was already 7:13 am.

" I can't be late today," I said to myself as I quickly rushed out through the back door. Cause I can't risk been seen and sent to do other pointless chores just to get me late to school. I hope I caught the bus.



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