13. The Four Musketeer

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   "No I do not " I denied, as she laughed and munched on her sandwich, Ignoring my answer, I frowned.
    "Why do you say that?" I said staring at the stupid jerk. Wishing I have laser eyes.
     "would you stop staring at him you might set him on blaze with your eyes" she laughed.
  "Haha, very funny Gloria" I huffed munching on my sandwich.
    "What's the name of the other three " I asked staring as another guy approached their table. He shakes hands with one of them and takes a seat as they casually say something and laugh about it. I watched Prince Aka not so charming, smile and I was star-struck he looked exactly like the guy in my dream when he smiled like that.

  "stop drooling and smiling like that girl, you look creepy" Gloria laughed snapping her fingers in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts.
I can't believe I was caught,

   "Calm down Cassie" I whispered to myself, using my palm to rub my face as I tried to calm my beating heart I knew my face was red at the moment. Damn it, I am blushing. 

  "That's Jack the one putting on the gray jacket" I turn to look "Yeah he is a smart one, and a player as well, he is rumored to have slept with half of the school's female population not excluding Teachers " she subtly points at the red-headed guy who seems to be a ray of sunshine. He was no doubt attractive.

"And the One with the sunglasses, yeah the dark shades, yep you can't miss him, He is the silent one, I heard he has been in and out of juvile a couple of times," she whispered out the last part.

"I don't believe that is true, but how do you know so much about these guys" I asked shaking my head in disbelief.

"News like this travel around the school, they are the popular guys in school of course girls like to gossip about them" she replied. Wiping her hands clean with tissue paper, as she brought out three apples from her lunch bag, she picked up one and began munching on it.

"How am I so ignorant of all these then?" I frowned. I regret asking the moment I saw the grin on her face yep I knew what she was going to say "Nope don't say......"

"Lala land " she laughed

"I told you not to say it " I fold my hands and pout.

"Aw is my little Lala land baby angry " she cooed giggling as she stretched out her hands to touch my cheek, like Grandma in television does to kids, But I slapped her hands away before they could get to my face.

"ouch that hurts " she yelps pulling her hands away from my face. That's a wise decision. 

"serves you right" I laughed at her cute expression.

"That is not........." she drawled, but we were both interrupted by the uproar and cheers from students, when is lunch so fun? We both turn to look at the cause of the blatant disruption.

"Oh and that one is Brandon, he is the loud and funny one, and a social butterfly. they are called the Four Musketeers" She smiled, as we both stared at him. We stood up to get a closer view as all the students in the cafeteria were doing the same thing.

   He was dancing shirtless on the top of the table, as other students cheered him on, he even got some backup dancers as well, I  hate to admit but he is a really good dancer. I stared confused as to why the hell he dancing, why was he shirtless, and why he was ordered.

"you don't have a clue, as to what is going on right now?" Gloria asked as I subconsciously nodded my head.

"I thought as much," she giggled,  focusing back on eating her Apples. I stared at her eagerly waiting for an explanation.

"And this is New as well, you are always so lost in your world even while we are together, I am surprised you are paying this much attention today, you normally ignore everything going on around you that is not studies related, Brandon is captain of the drama club and he tends to take it very seriously, they are having a play, so this is what he usually do to create awareness," she explains.

"I get it now, I don't get the reason he can't perform with his shirt on" I frowned as he did a flip, what a showoff,

"Yeah I get that, who doesn't want to see a handsome guy shirtless, these girls are totally into it," she laughed

"I love you, Brandon, " a random girl screams as he gives her an Air kiss. He ended his dance as applause cheers and screams followed.

"Audition for the play starts on Monday guys, do well to audition," he said,

"And the name of this year's play is what guys" he yells.

"A kiss from an Angel " the cafeteria echoes,

"I will be sure to get a kiss from my angel as well," he said with a wink, I huffed as some of the girls giggled in excitement,

"What a show," I frowned, as I watched Prince not so charming give him a handshake.

"He is cute " I heard Gloria say, as I glared at her,

"what " she laughed

"You have a boyfriend Gloria" I replied

"That doesn't make other guys Ugly, I have eyes and I am going to use them" she pointed out.

"That reminds me, how is Adam doing? Have you been able to get through to him? " I asked as we stood up and made our way out of the cafeteria.

I could feel someone staring at me, but I didn't dare to look back, cause I didn't make much of it, I   could sometimes feel, Ella's eyes on me daring me to make a mistake,  I am not going to take the bait today,

   We made our way towards the courtyard, it was my favorite place in the whole school. Other than the library,  I enjoyed the trees and the cool breeze, I always come here to think, so it became our hanging spot.


Hey guys, here is another update.

Wow introduction of New characters, is there any future predictions guys?




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