11. The Real World

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I was not going to be as silly as Cinderella was and leave Prince Charming without telling him my name or showing him my face. Am not going to run off leaving a piece of clothing behind.

How am I going to take off my mask in front of everyone, Ella and Evan are the only problem I have right now.

Ella made sure I had no form of attending this party, she was jealous of the popularity I acquired. I wasn't going to let her ruin my fun anymore. Am not Cinderella and I wasn't going to be like her.

"what's your name beautiful?" he asked with a dazzling smile. And I was gone. Gosh, he has a lovely smile. I couldn't help but fan girl. As we danced I forgot all about my problems, and I dazzled in the moment.
"My name is Cassie " I whispered in his ear, his eyes sparkled and I couldn't forget the look in his eyes. I was drawn to them like a moth to flames.

I wanted to know what he looked like, he left the dance floor and took me up the stairs to the balcony. He removed his mask and OMG he was so handsome. I was about to remove my mask as well when I heard his voice. He held my hands and whispered in my ears.

"you don't have to do that Cassie, " I had to because I wanted him to know how I look. I ignored his request and tried to remove my mask.

"Cassie, Cassie, wake up girl!!" I heard a distant voice.
"No, you have to see my face as well my Prince Charming" I yelled, standing up with a jolt, I fell off my seat as the whole class erupted in laughter.

"so it was a fucking dream, but it felt so real" I cried out. As the class echoed in laughter.

"Miss Russell, will you have your seat and stop screaming, you are disrupting my class. " Mrs Molly said glaring at me.

"Am sorry Mam," I said, standing up from the floor, I sat down on my seat. I can't believe that it was just a dream.

"This is your last warning Cassie, any more interruption and off to detention you go " she sternly warned.

"yes mam " I echoed back in reply. Feeling ashamed I can't believe I caused a scene in class.

"what is going on with you Cassie, you never sleep during classes," Gloria whispered.

"what day is this" I asked. Without answering her question. I still can't shake off the fact that it was all a dream. This is feeling like Déjà vu.

"What kind of question is that of course, it's still Monday, you are acting strange at the moment " she murmured weirdly staring at me.

"Monday" I echoed, if it's Monday then it was never Friday, this was just the first period, it was not even lunchtime yet so I never became popular, and I never went to a party, I never talked back at Ella, and I never met my prince charming. It was all a dream. I was still putting on the same dress. I felt like crying at the moment but held it in.

"Are you okay Cassie?" Gloria asked. I couldn't answer, I didn't even hear her ask, I was lost in thoughts, she Nudge me.

"I am fine " I responded, without a beat, that was my response to her, whenever she ask too much questions.

I put my head back on my desk, and closed my eyes, hoping to go back to my dreams.

"yep, you are acting strange today, even more strange  than Adam," she scoffed.

"What happened to Adam?" I realized I was loud when the whole class turned to stare at me.

"That's it!!, detention for you Miss Russell " she yelled.

"Am sorry Mrs. Molly, I didn't mean to " I tried to apologize.
"I don't want to hear it, you had your chance and you blew it."

Immediately the bell rang.

"Don't forget to submit your assignment on Tuesday" she yelled as we made it out of the class.

I can't believe I got detention. I haven't gotten one in my life before.

"Miss Russell " I heard Mrs Molly call out.

"yes mam, " I answered. As I signaled for Gloria to go ahead of me.

"Meet me in the library," she said, as I nodded In reply. I sat down and waited as all the students made their way out of the class.

"Miss Russell, I do not appreciate your behavior today, you are my best student in this class, you are not the type to cause commotion in class so what happened?" she spoke, I tried to defend myself, but she shushed me.

You asked me a question just let me answer, I have various excuse prepared.

"I am going to let this go because it is the first time you misbehave in my class, and you do not look quite alright today, you even slept during my class." she concluded. I tried to reply

"Are you in your period girl, " she mumbled

"N, ..."

" I knew it, you will feel better when you go to the nurse's office." she cut me off.

"But, I a.."

"off you go then " she completed, going over to her seat.

"Okay that was awkward" I whispered to myself, making my way out of the class and headed towards the library.

I wasn't looking and I bumped into someone, this was just like my dream, but I knew no prince charming was going to catch me this time this was the real world.

I braced myself for the impact but none came. I open my eyes to see the same ocean-blue eyes that hunted my dreams staring right at me.

"Oh shit " I screamed.


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