Chapter 69: The Man who was in the Dark and The Woman who was Blind.

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Chapter 69: The Man who was in the Dark and The Woman who was Blind.


Four men were driving along a quiet long road, it was a scorching hot day and so they have their air condition on a full blast. As quiet as the lonely road, inside the car were also quiet as if there's an unexplainable tension. There's still a long way to go before they reach their destination and to escape such awkward silence Gilves, who was sitting in the middle at the backseat – the most awkward position ever, decided to break the ice.

"Too bad Gino couldn't come with us," he said carefully.

"He's busy, there's still a lot of last minute preparation to do before their wedding," Matt replied, he was looking outside the window with no scenery at all, "though he really wanted to come."

"But Miss Margaux would kill him," Renard added, he was half busy on his phone. Gilves thinks that it could be work again because he's a workaholic guy but as soon as he took a peek on his screen he saw that he was texting someone.

"You're not going to marry him yet?" he pried.

Renard slowly looked at him annoyingly, "Stop being nosy."

"I was just asking," he shrugged, "Besides same sex marriage is now legalized in our country. It would be a happy occasion for another wedding."

Matt and Tomas, who was driving, chuckled on the nosy brat.

"Stop pestering him," Matt interrupted, "Stop assuming things, they're just only friends. Right, Renard?"

People around Renard and Erwan could feel the sweet atmosphere that surrounds them but they also knew that they are close friends. You could think that Erwan likes Renard too much because of how he acts towards him but Renard was indifferent and besides he was known to be loyal on his job.

"We're," Renard hesitated, "Together."

As he dropped the bomb everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

"I knew it! Well I always knew it!" Gilves exclaimed happily. "Congratulations!"

Tomas looked at Renard through the rear view mirror and congratulated him, "Love wins."

"That's not surprising but I'm still surprised," Matt muttered, "When did you officially go out?" he asked.

"You're the reason why he quitted as an assassin," Gilves pointed out, "I bet it's been official five years ago since he quitted by that time."

Renard stared at him in amazement, sometimes he wonder how could he be so right about anything even though he's a complete idiot. "I refuse to tell to all of you about the two of us," he glared at them, "If you want a love story, go and ask him and that police officer," he nodded his head towards Matt.

"Kamille's a nice woman," Gilves approved.

"You know her?" Matt asked in surprised.

"Yeah," he answered, "She and her team were assigned to patrol around the area where I was working."

"And you're talking to her?" his voice were getting louder.

"Well, I'm the manager of that building so I do talk to people who protect my work place. I need to be a good manager as Miss Margaux assigned me that branch."

"And you just tell me that right now?!" Matt was very annoyed, "I've been pursuing her a very long time and now I just learned that both of you are friends."

"It's not my fault that you are so slow," he innocently commented.

"What?!" he snapped.

"Stop fighting," Renard scolded them.

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