Chapter 26: Embedded Words.

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Chapter 26: Embedded Words.


We've been chatting for awhile now and Tanya seemed relaxed compared earlier. She's laughing freely and although there still moments when there's a silence between us we still manage to make a good conversation.

Tanya isn't hard to please for she is blind. I asked Tomas for some advice to where I could bring Tanya for tonight since I know that she won't appreciate if I bring her to beautiful and romantic place for she can't see it. In the end, I'm still the one who decided where we will go. I'm a co-owner of this place so the manager knew me. I have lots of business and this is just one of them.

Tanya just finished eating her dessert and she was about to put her glass of water but it slipped on her hands causing it to fell and broke into pieces on the ground. Some of its contents fell to Tanya's dress.

"Oh damn," she said in surprised.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I grabbed the napkin at the table and helped her to dry it off.

"Yeah, sorry about that,"

"No need to be sorry, do you want to go to the ladies room and dry it off?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I think that's better, it feels weird," she nodded. I helped her on her way to the ladies room. There were just a few people at the restaurant. The manager noticed us and was about to attend to us but I waved him away.

Obviously, I'm not allowed to go in the ladies room so I asked for a lady waiter to accompany and help her in her needs.

"I'll just wait here outside," I informed them and they nodded.

Once, they entered the room I leaned at the wall opposite of the door and waited for them to finish.


The nice lady led me to the dryer at the corner. I felt no presence of other persons indicating that it's just the two of us. She turned on the dryer and helped me with my dress.

"Thanks for helping," I smiled.

"You're blind?" she asked in disbelief.

"Uh, yeah," I awkwardly answered.

"Then how come you're with that handsome man?" she asked in sarcastic way, "Are you friends?"

"Um, we're on date," I muttered, I starting not to like her. I thought she is nice.

"Date?!" she scoffed, "You're kidding right? There's no way that a man like him will date a blind girl like you."

I'm beginning to hate her, "Excuse me but I think you're being rude," I calmly said.

"Well, I'm sorry but I'm just stating a fact," she snorted, "I got more important things to do," she complained.

"I thought you're willing to help me,"

"I couldn't resist that man. Maybe that's why you dated him. Tell me how much do you get from him? Are you living in a paradise? You're such a lucky bitch for having him. If I were you I wouldn't let him go."

"Just because I'm blind it doesn't mean I don't have any feelings," I snapped, "You have no rights to force such false accusation. I'm not that kind of girl, so don't speak such foul words."

I heard a sardonic laughed, "Oh, please, do you think you're living in a cliché movie? It's funny to see a rich and gorgeous man with a blind girl. I tell you, girl, it's only out of pity. You better stop this dream before it turns to nightmare. It makes you look so desperate."

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