Calm Before the Storm

Start from the beginning

After searching through the sales racks, I decided on a dark blue tux with black linings. Will chose a yellow tux with black lining and a black bow tie (which is honestly pretty cute on him).

After doing a once over in the mirror to make sure that I don't have my normal shirt on backwards or anything, I grab the tux with the hanger and walk out of the changing room in search of Will.

It doesn't take long.

It's quite easy considering he's being crowded by a group of teenage girls. Before I can find myself freaking out, I take a deep breath and count to five, trying to remind myself of the type of guy my boyfriend is.

My boyfriend.

Not theirs.

It's fine.

I clear my throat lightly and watch as Will's eyes flicker over to mine. He smiles sheepishly and says something to the girls before going back into the changing room. He comes back out a few moments later and like vultures swooping down on a dead animal carcass, the girls swarm him again and he almost stumbles in his walk. "I kind of have to go." He chuckles nervously.

They all, "awwww" in unison but clear a small path for him to walk away. I notice one of them slipping a piece of paper into the back pocket of his khakis. When another one pulls him by the arm and presses a firm kiss to his cheek, I try to contain my laughs as he walks over to me, face red.

"Have fun, Solace?" I say, biting my lip. Instead of answering verbally, he cups my cheek with the hand not holding his tux and presses our lips together in a sweet yet passionate kiss that turns my legs to jelly. When he pulls away, I look over his shoulder to the girls who's eyes have widened to the size of saucers and one of them looks as if she may cry.

"Not really." He breathes out with a smile. "I haven't been swarmed like that since I rejected Drew Tanaka and she sent the Aphrodite Cabin girls after me to give me a surprise make-over to show there were no harsh feelings."

"Okay." I say, cursing myself for how squeaky I sound. He smiles before kissing my forehead.

"Let's get back to the house."


After paying for everything and dropping the bags off at the house, we make our way to the park to meet with Rikki and Holly.

"Hey, guys!" Rikki shouts. Will waves with our conjoined hands before rushing over and collapsing onto the grass, the same grass we'd had our first date on.

"Who's ready for a wedding?!" Holly exclaims, shooting her hands into the air.

"You definitely are." I say with a smile.

"How could I not be? Weddings are so magical." She says dreamily.

"Every time I forget she's a hopeless romantic, she finds a way to remind me." Rikki says with a roll of her eyes.

"Hush!" Holly says quickly with a blush. "Anyway, I was thinking we make the most of today and go out on another double date!"

"Why?" I ask bluntly.

Rikki answers before Holly can, "A couple days after the wedding, my parents are going to be taking me to study abroad for the rest of the school year. This one's going to miss me." She turns to Holly and grabs her face between her hands, bringing their faces a mere centimeters apart. "She doesn't understand that I could never forget her weird, adorable, sometimes stupid habits, and that I will always love her more than anything." She leans in and pecks her on the lips.

"Rikki, I'm just being realistic," Holly says, bringing Rikki's hands down from her face. "Long distance never really works."

"It'll work for us, Hols."

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