Day 304

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Day 304

When I opened my eyes today, it already seemed to be noon and I still wanted to sleep further. My head moved from side to side, I yawned once and kept staring up to the ceiling.

'Maybe I only had a bad dream...' And my eyes looked next to me, making out the snoring source and thinking it was Pibs. But there was just Error. We seemed to have been sleeping next to each other, I at the end of the bed and he at the top.

"Error. You awake?" All I heard of Error was a groan, then he turned around to face me and I could see he was crying again.

"YeAh. I aM." After that we just went on staring somewhere, not looking into the others eye sockets and thinking again.

None of us both wanted to talk or move, so I just closed my eyes again and just laying there. I think, Error did the same, because when I peeked over at him, he had his arm laying on his face.

"Do yOu wAnT tO eAt... sOmEtHiNg?" His voice was a little muted and he tried to suppress his sobs as could as he could. But not good enough...

"No. Do you? There is food downstairs in the cupboard..."

"ThAnKs..." But he still didn't move and stayed like this, I was just busy with thinking nothing. Sometime, Error had done it to stand up and shuffle down into the kitchen, when he came back, he held some chocolate bars in his arms and a few water bottles.

With some momentum, he threw one bottle at me, hitting me slightly at my ribcage. I gazed at the bottle a moment, before setting it next to me and continuing thinking nothing specific.

The hours pass again, Error had started knitting on Pibs' bed and I suggested that he made a tiny Pibs puppet. She looked pretty cute, causing some weird shit in me, so I turned around and ignored his doing for a while.

"DuN yA wAnNa... dRiNk oR eAt sOmEtHiNg?"

"no. I'm fine." Error had a sarcastic laugh attack, leaning at the wall behind him and then looking down at the puppet in his hands. Afterwards, he stretched out his arm for me and reached me the puppet. A little confused, I got it between my fingers, glancing at the details, Error had made and after that I put it on my chest.

"Night." My words were short and cold, but I didn't care and rolled over to my side and closed my eye sockets. The puppet laid between my arms, pressing it close to me. 

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