Day 1

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I laid on the cold white ground, I didn't know why I was here or where I was before, but I found this laptop. You told me, that I was Pibs and that you were my friend. I should write you every day and tell you my thoughts and adventures, I've experienced until now.

Around me was nothing but white, I didn't even saw a shadow of mine. After I examined everything I could, I decided to stand up and took the laptop with me. I don't know how long and how far I marched, because I didn't even know, if I was walking straight.

After a while, my stomach was growling loud and I looked for something to eat, but I found nothing. I growled annoyed and sat down on the floor, pounding backwards on my back and staring up. There was nothing but an eternity of white.

My belly growled again and I was howling unsatisfied, when I heard a strange noise, like a buzzing tune.

My head shot in the direction of the source, my eyes met some dazzling colored sneakers, a second later, a blue colored eye and a yellow star looked at me. A feeling hit me, that I've already seen this face before.

"Heya, what are you doin here?"

"Uh... I don't know, where exactly is 'here'?" With a curious smile, I sat up and examined my opposite, he smiled back too.

"You're in the anti-void... What even is your name?" As answer, my stomach howled and I could feel my muscles tearing together, what caused the skeleton to twitch. Then, he chuckled a little and made a small movement with his bony hand deep in one of his bags. He whipped out a small bunch, he reached it over to me and I packed out a small taco.

"OH MY GOD! THANK YOU! I'm... Pibs." With a heartful bite, I took half of the taco in my mouth, starting to chew and smack loudly. He watched me grinning, but I could see, that he was hungry too, so I handed him the other half of the taco.

"Well, I'm Ink... thank you Pibs... Does that mean, you don't have a home to stay at? Would you like to come with me?" With one hand I wiped some sauce out of my mouth corners, with the others I pressed the laptop near my chest.

"No. I just woke up a few... I don't know. I don't know when... I woke up. Ink... I'm confused. Who... Am I?" I felt something breaking inside of me and buried my face into my hands, then I felt something surrounding me. Ink was laying his arms around me, wrapping me up.

"Shush. Calm down... I'm going to take care of you. You're having a new life now." With this, he snapped his fingers and boom. We teleported in front of a big house, it was made out of wood and glass, but somehow... It looked like it was a drawing.

Without waiting for my reaction, Ink picked me up and carried me into the house. There was a beautiful entrance, some sort of shoes and scarfs were placed in there, it looked kind of funny and I had to chuckle. The next room was kind of a living room, there was much space. A really cool designed couch with a giant TV, the walls were decorated by pictures of several persons, smiling in the camera. Some of them looked familiar to me and similar to Ink.

"Ink, who are these persons?"

"Oh, just some friends and old pals... I've created most of 'em, but... I'm gonna explain it later to you..." I agreed and he carried me upstairs, there were three more rooms. One of these had to be Ink's and one maybe a bathing room, but he went straight to the third door, there was nothing in it.

"What do you wanna do in here?" Ink muted and stretched out his hand, then a big brush appeared in his hand. I was a little terrified first, but I couldn't do much about it. Ink let me stand on my own, but kept one arm wrapped around me.

"Look and be amazed, he-he!" He whirled his brush around, some ink spread over the floor and then, some furniture appeared out of nowhere. A beautiful looking bed, a bedside table and even a wardrobe. After he was done, he led me to the bed and forced me to sit on it.

"What the hell was this? What did you do? What even are you?!" Ink chuckled a little and let himself pound on the bed too, leaning against the wall and staring in his hands.

"Well... I'm Ink the skeleton and protector of the AU's. Uh, I mean the alternate universes. I created most of them, because I got this cool skill. I'm allowed to create everything I want to! I'll do it like this: I take my big brush, imagine myself what to draw, draw it and boom! It's real!" I had to laugh a little bit, Ink glanced at me grinning satisfied.

We both laughed and joked a little, while that I found out about his 'punny' skills too. After a while, we both went down in the kitchen and talked about doing something to eat. Ink told me, that he was a horrible cooker and we should better get some food, but when I looked into his cupboards, I was determined to cook something.

"But... You can barely remember who you are. Why should y'know how to cook?" I looked at him with a begging smile, he couldn't resist and gave me his permission.

We started to cut the vegetables, I told Ink we were doing spaghetti and he agreed cheerfully. When I cooked the meat and he was watching over the spaghetti, he accidentally put his finger into the boiling water. With a high screech, he jumped back, sucking on his finger and glancing angry at the water pot, like it was his enemy.

"INK! What are you doing?!" Careful, I controlled the burned spot. The bone there was a little red and cracked, so I asked him for some medical stuff. He said, that he didn't have any, but he could create some. I agreed.

After a few more bandages around Ink's limbs, we did it and the spaghetti were done. We both knew, that from now on, only I would cook something. He wouldn't s dare to make a step in the kitchen anymore.

We ate the meal, sat on the couch and talked about some stuff. He assured me, that I was allowed to live here as long as I wanted to. Ink said, that he was glad about some accompany and another person, not just his frenemy 'Error'. When I asked him about Error, he was a little... upset.

He told me, that Error would destroy AU's and that's why he had to protect these. He was sure, that every AU deserved to exist, Error just didn't understand it. I was curious about Error, asked if I could probably meet him and Ink said yes, even though, he wasn't really satisfied about this.

Then I stood up and eyed the many picture on the wall, there were so many skeletons on it. Many of them looked like Ink, but they just wore some other clothe or had other eyes.

"Ink, why do your eyes change color and shape?" I asked casually, while looking through some pictures, where Ink was posing with some sort of black skeleton. He doesn't really look happy on it, more like despising it.

"Oh, it's just a thing of me... I dunno." He answered with an insecure smile, I just chuckled a little. His eyes went to stars a short moment, turning back into circles soon.

"C'mon, let's go to sleep. I have to visit some AU's tomorrow! You could... accompany me!" Then he shoed me into my room, I could ask him, if we would buy some clothes for me tomorrow. Ink agreed and told me goodnight.

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