Day 294

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Day 294

"Ink! Wake up, Ink!" The high voice caused me to sit up immediately, opening up my eyes and looking straight into Dreams face. He seemed worried and backed off, when he looked into my eyes.

"I-Ink... you are emotionless again? S-should I get y-your vials?" His voice trembled, but I didn't react to it, just standing up fully and walking over to Pibs's bed. Her HP was still low and she didn't move or something.

"Why are you here Dream?"

"I heard... you were in PAUH and I came immediately. Then I met Science and he told me that Pibs was here and that's why you're here too. But Ink, why are you in this state? You're dangerous like this, you should take your vi-"

"No." And with this, I could make him shut up and just leave me alone. He stepped on the other side of the bed looking at Pibs too. I let him do his stuff, while I checked my phone and wrote some of the Sans', who knew about it, that I was okay.

When I had explained most of them, what Pibs health state was, Science entered the room with some of his members and looking between me and Dream. After that at me.

"We... need to move on. We'll take some of the new produced soul liquid and the liquid of this night. Ink, Dream, please step aside. We'll also take some of her blood again, don't forget to try a HP booster, but if you inject it stay ready for any reaction! Okay, guys, Move! We've got a lot to do today." I observed the whole doing of the team at my girl, half of them disappeared as soon as they came in and the other half injected a HP booster and did it to push it up to 5 points and hold it stable.

"Dream. I need to talk to you, would you come down in the café?"

"Yes, sure." So, we both left the room and walked down into the café, sitting down in a small corner and I bought myself a black coffee.

"So, what's up?"

"My vials. I decided not to take them until Pibs is fully recovered, because I'd be rather a problem than helpful."

"B-but why'd you do that? For her? You never... did something like that for anyone. You can't feel or care in this state." I sipped at my coffee thinking about his words, they were pretty offensive, but I didn't feel like that, so... I didn't care.

"It's complicated. But I want you to accept it and not preventing me in any way, understood?" Dream's expression was doubtful, but he accepted it.

The rest of the day, he spent next to my side and helped me where he could. A lot of other Sans' and Papyrus' came up to us and wanted to see Pibs, wishing me luck and setting some flowers on the table in her room.

The only one, I've really expected to show up, didn't appear once on this day. Error seemed to be dead or just didn't knew about it yet, I thought. I had no idea, he and Pibs had rowed, when they last saw each other, until Fresh told me about it.

"Yeah, Broseph... this was a sicknasty war between 'em... I guess, it was a rly bad idea of me to get'er wi'me... sorry mate. Why're ya in dat state by the way?"

"It's complicated... I guess, you'd say, because of her..." I was aware of the fact, that Fresh had a similar problem with his feelings, so, he was the most chilled about this subject anyways. We both just hung out on my bed, watching the team observing Pibs and talking some weird stuff, while I was getting used to my emotionless state.

"Oh my god. GUYS HER HP IS INCREASING ON ITS OWN!" The sudden scream of a team member made me and Fresh look up to them, there I could see her HP going up to seven points.

I felt Fresh patting my shoulder and he laughed cheery, while the team made a small dance of joy and Science coming confused in the room.

"What's going on here?"

"HER HP! IT'S INCREASING ON ITS OWN! LOOK! LOOK!" And Science stepped up to Pibs checking her and a relieved smile hushed over his face, his eyes glancing over to me and affirming the fact of his employee.

"See, Brosky, everything's gonna be fine!"

But... The joy didn't last long enough. When the HP hit ten, it stopped increasing for a moment, but the team didn't notice, because they were way too distracted with cheering. A few more seconds and her HP went down even faster as it increased.

It needed my shout to help the others notice the on-going thing and they burst out into nervous screams and movements, trying to get the loss under control. With calmed expression, I watched them doing anything they could, but not succeeding in a way.

It just stopped by 2 point and nobody could explain why it stopped there, because nobody did anything that had helped.

The atmosphere in the rest of the evening was tense and nobody ever smiled again that day, Fresh had a small trauma of this event and told me goodbye soon.

So, I was alone again and watching my girlfriend fighting against death.

I think, I'm gonna...

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