Day 271

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Day 271


Now today was really a really weird day... it was weird, but also really smutty and kinky... if you're uncomfortable just skip this part, please?

I'm really blushing, when I'm writing about that, so, I hope you already understand what I'm talking about.

It all started with a... interesting dream, there was developing a hot situation, but before it started to get really intense, I woke up by an uncomfortable feeling. My... 'cat' was heated and I felt my soul feeling weird, so I got it out of my chest. There was some sort of goo all over it like it was melting, similar to Ink's fake soul recently.

I was curious, so, I licked over it and a soft shiver ran down my spine, actually the goo tasted really delicious. I remembered, what Ink told me about the sensitivity of souls and I thought about it, if I could pleasure myself with my soul.

"Pibs, are you awake yet? Would you like to make break-" Ink was suddenly standing in the door frame, he wore just his boxers and my soul created a ton more of that goo. It slowly dripped down on my lap, but my eyes stuck on Ink's ribcage and my mind was blurred somehow.

"I-Ink... did you know, h-how sexy y-you are?" My voice was so husky, that my inner me was surprised by that and I blushed immediately, hiding my face behind my hands.


"O-oh... okay? Are you alright, uh... you look like your in heat..." I peeked through my fingers, he was blushing madly, but he had that lustful gaze on his face that let my kinky side break through again.

"Inky... I need you to be kinky~" And my hands shot on my mouth again and I screeched in a high uncomfortable tune.

"I'M SO SORRY. MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEAVE!" But Ink just grabbed a hoodie nearby and put it on, so his body wouldn't affect me so much as before. So, he dragged himself closer to me and sat on the other side of my bed, staring worried at me.

"W-well... we could try to suppress your heat, but... it's horrible for your health and could make your heat worser as was before..."

"And is there another option?" And Ink gasped a little, when I asked that, he crawled closer to me and snapped away my soul. Before I could react, some ink strings held me back and they seemed to be fixed at the bed behind me.

"The second option would be to make you cum. Please, don't hold anything back... I... I'll start now." Ink's voice dropped down to a whispering and I watched him while he let his tongue hang out of his mouth. He held my soul with both of his hands, fondling it and getting the goo on his fingers. I arched my back in pleasure, moaning loud and watching him through my half-closed eyes.

"I-Ink, you should... not... I'm a-afraid, that I can't control... AH~ yes! FUCK!" But I let him go on rubbing my soul, until his tongue started to touch my soul. He slid over it, making me almost scream because it tickled so much, he stuck his tongue between the lower part of my soul.

"Ink please, stop! Sto-op... teasing... me..." When Ink heard this, he made his movements more intense and the tickle rose my inner heat more, tighten up something, that should be released soon. I lasted a few more minutes, until I came, I guess, my soul was leaking all over Ink's hand, who licked it all up and hummed satisfied.

His face was a little dirty and some of the goo drooled out of his mouth down his sleeves.

"So, that should be done. How do you feel?"

"Fuck me, Inky~ I feel so dirty and hot, take me please!" And at this moment he knew. He fucked up. My heat has taken over and she didn't want to disappear this fast, all I was feeling was heat, hunger and lust.

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