Day 54

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Day 54

I was just hanging out in Outertale today, because Error had to go 'somewhere', where I couldn't accompany him. Lately, he had been gone much more than he usually was, always getting back tired or with a strange expression in his face.

Whenever I was asking him, what's wrong, he ignored me or pretended to be okay. I didn't like it much, but I had to deal with it. At some point, he allowed me to teleport at Outertale and spent time there, every day I was down there and discovered new places and meeting new buddies.

"Heya, Pibs! Already eatin?" This was Sans... He was the nice skeleton from Outertale, next to his cute brother Papyrus. When I first saw the two skelebros, I had to remember Blue and Honey again, when I asked them, if these were their names, both chuckled a little.

That's when I first got known, what exactly the 'AU's are, multiple universes with an eternity of Sans' and Papyrus' in it. Outertale was just one in thousands. After a while, I was used to go over at Sans' and Papyrus' house, they told me to call them Moony and Star.

"Heya, Moony. No, just preparing for a picnic with a... 'close friend'." When I said it loud, I blushed madly, thinking about what relation was between me and Error. Well, we both behaved like a cute little couple in the last weeks, but he had never said 'I love you' or asking me 'out' for something. Though, we both had... sexual contact...

"Close friend? Ya mean ya boyfriend? This 'Rero' right?" The invented name of Error made me giggle a little, leaving back a confused smile on Moony's face.

"Yes, you're right. I'm waiting for him... Hey, I heard Star talking about a party recently?" I gave him a curious look, he scratched his skull and sat back aside of me staring in the bright sky with the million of stars.

"Well... Classic Sans will do a party in his house, with his brother Papyrus and his girlfriend (Y/N)." Confused, I narrowed my eyes, asking myself if I had just misunderstood the name of Sans' girlfriend, so I demanded Moony to repeat it again.

"(Y/N)? Do you know her?" I couldn't understand what name he was telling me, but something in my head reacted to the name. I shrugged a little helpless, thinking hard about this, but the more I puzzled about it, the more I slipped into a black-out. Finally, I gave in and just shook my head.

"Nah, don't know her. But, would you mind to take me with you? I would like to go there!" Moony's face lit up, nodded his head excited and surrounding my hands with his, we went on talking, when suddenly Error appeared out of nowhere.

He wore his Outertale outfit, his back turned in our direction and he was stretching himself a little. With a cheerful giggle, I jumped on my feet and sneaking up to him. Impatiently, I waited for him to turn around, so I could leap onto him.

Soon, he did and screeched frightened, when I touched him. Moony was watching the whole scenery a little awkward, when I let go of Error, he waved at me with a grin.

"See ya later then! Bye!" I waved too, not noticing the jealous expression on Error's face, then he wrapped his hands tight around me and let us both pound on the floor. I huffed for air, but laughed loudly and leaned at him satisfied.

After a while, I noticed a soft growl in Error's chest, what made me a little insecure and I checked for him. He was still staring in the direction of Moonie, growling furious and his eyes were narrowed.

"What's wrong, Error?"

"WhAt r yA eVeN dOiN wItH tHiS DOUCHEBAG? DiD hE fLiRt?" My hands clinched his cheeks, forcing him to look down at me, while I smiled flustered.

"This 'douchebag', is my friend. And no, he did not flirt." Some dark blue sparkle appeared on his cheekbones, his eyes went a little embarrassed aside. After a while, I picked up a chocolate bar and reached it to him. He munched some, then lead my hand back to my mouth so, I could bite too.

"ThAnKs, Pibs."

"No problem." We both went on eating the chocolate, when he started to kiss my neck in all of a sudden. A soft screech escaped my body, but Error didn't stop and went on, in my head the question for the party grew more and more.

"Uh... Error. Am I allowed to go on a party? Moonie told me about, that Classic Sans and his girlfriend would make one and I'm really curious about it! Puh-lease!" Immediately Error stopped nibbling my neck and clinched his hands in my cheek, causing me to look at him.

"A PARTY? Ya wAnNa gO... oN a pArTy?" A short peck on his teeth turned him in a blueberry and his red eyes filled with the error writing. I couldn't help it, but chuckle at his reaction and snuggled closer up to him

"I would really love to go, but I would accept, if you don't want me to go. Maybe we could... make a real nice evening instead...?"

"No. I wAnT yA tO gO aT tHiS pArTy! MaYbE... I'lL... cOmE tOo... I wAnNa cHaNge AND OF COURSE WATCH OUT INK DOESN'T GET YA!" I squeezed his cheekbones together, looking him in his surprised face with a really excited expression. I couldn't believe he wanted to change and spent a little more time with the other Sans's, so, I kissed him super happy and overthrew him.

While kissing each other, I could feel how Error teleported us home and we spent the last few hours kissing and touching ourselves. It was the first time, he said 'I love you' while we had sex and I felt so flustered this day.

My soul seemed to be float in cloud nine and I can't think of a better time! 

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