Day 241

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Day 241

Today, nothing really woke me up suddenly. No Fresh was pressing his hand on my mouth or a cooking Ink screeched in pain, I just simply opened my eyes.

The shiny whiteness of the outside shone into my room and filled it with some sort of morning feeling, that I have when I'm able to sleep in. With a heartful moan and stretching my limbs, I did it to sit up and rub my eyes afterwards.

"I think, I had a really weird dream... heh. Let's check on Ink." I was filled with happiness and enthusiasm about this day, so I stepped outside of my room and yawned again.

"INK! Ink, guess what, I had such a fucking weird dream last night and-" His door was slammed open and a really done looking Ink shot out of it, turning around to look for me. He spotted me standing right in front of him and his worried expression changed to relieve.

"Oh my god, I thought... Jeez..." With his arms, he heaved me up and I could feel him 'kissing' my cheeks, I blushed madly.

"What's wrong? Wait... My dream... Your other personality... WAS IT REAL?!" Ink stared into my eyes a little while, then he sighed and brought me into his room. The vials laid properly closed on his table, they were almost filled up, but I guess, Ink didn't need this much for his emotions.

"I guess, you think... all this happened in a dream, right?"

"Yeah. It feels like it..."

"Yeah, I can just remember it blurred... Did the other me bother or hurt you?"

"Uh... no, he talked to me really serious and he kind of apologized... I guess... And he told me about, that you're going to forget the most stuff that happened... Do you really forget the most things? I never noticed, really!" With a sigh, Ink placed me on his bed, while he still stood in front of me and scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Well, yes. I think, it has gotten a little better in the last time, but yesterday I had a little relapse... I can't really remember, what I've done... Can you give me a short summary, what happened?" I had to think... If, I told him about what happened, I had to be careful with my words. Because, I am not really good with talking and I often tend to create a mess of misunderstandings...

"Okay. So, I woke up yesterday. Greeted by Fresh and Dream, then they wanted to talk about me about your soul AND then you bumped in my room and..."

"Yeah, I already know that part, but... I don't know what happened after you ripped my soul out of me."

"It wasn't your soul. It was just a painted thingy, that you licked off my hands afterwards!" Actually, we both we're arguing at the moment, but when Ink heard about, he licked my hands, he blushed madly.

"I-i... licked it off your hands? I'm s-sorry... What happened after that?"

"Well... You were pissed because of Dream and Fresh and you started to threaten them, when I told you to stop. Then I had to tell you, that Dream looked at my soul... And you were about to beat him up and stuff..."


"INK?!" He smiled apologetically at me and but cupped my cheeks with his hands.

"Can I... see it too?" With a slight nod, I laid my hand on my chest to get the soul out of me and in a few seconds later I held it in my hands. Ink's eyes started to sparkled and his pupils turned to hearts, with a soft chuckle I lead his hands to my glowing thingy.

"Come on, touch it!" And that's when I pressed my heart into his hands, he backed off with it and just stared at it a little nervous.

"P-Pibs, I t-think... Dream didn't tell you about the soul sensitivity... I'll... show it to you briefly." His fingers rose up and touched my soul, I felt this soft tickle again, not really in my body, but I'm sure I felt it. He rubbed it a little more and the comfortable feeling changed into an attracting sense and my body temperature grew a little.

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