Day 302

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Day 302

Sorry again, that I fell asleep a few days ago...

I forgot what I wanted to write, so... I just left this ending like this.

There is no solution in sight, Science has locked himself up in his office to think straight and test everything again, while his team is doing a break of all this. All of them came and apologized to me and Pibs for not finding an answer yet and I just nodded.

There are still many visiting skeleton brothers of other Au's, mostly Fresh and Dream is coming over now and trying to comfort me as good as they can, when I let them. I was slowly getting tired of this emptiness in me and I'm not sure, how long I'm able to keep up.

Fresh and Dream were downstairs in the lobby, just saying goodbye to Moonie and Star, while I was leaning over Pibs and staring in her face.

I don't know, what I was thinking when I let my hand glow and moved into the chest of Pibs, just to see her soul for a moment.

And... I could see it.

Her soul was usually red outlined and had a white middle, but... the middle thing was almost gone, just the red outlining was still there.

I was just staring at her glowing thingy, thinking and feeling nothing. This held on a few more seconds until the entrance door was opened suddenly by Dream, who was just chatting with Fresh. Both of them stopped when they spotted me with Pibs's soul in my hands.

"D-dude... Ya shouldn't... do dat..." Fresh was the first who moved again and tried to get aside of me, but I was already on my feet. In my hands the soul and flashing lowering at them with my white eyes.

"I have to see Science. Now." And with that, I rushed out of the room and the other two running behind me.


"INK, WAIT!" But something just let me rush more in the direction of Science's office and the increasing the desire to show him the soul.

I passed some people of the team, which looked confused after me and waited for the screaming Dream and Fresh. They explained to them, that I've taken the soul and acted crazy. After that I had a bigger group sticking at my ass, growing every second because more people joined and even the shit-face receptionist joined them lately. I could hear him telling some shit about me and I knew, they all planned to get me away of her soul and looking I never get close to her again.

Briefly before I was able to knock or reach the door knob, I felt a hand tugging on my scarf and spinning me around to face the receptionist.

"You're... SUCH A FUCKING SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER! Stealing her soul and risking her to lose all her HP! WHAT THE-" But I could free myself of his grip, slipping out of my scarf and knocking like crazy at the locked door of Science, but he didn't open up.

"I swear to Asgore, you're so fucking ignorant." The receptionist was already clinching his hands around my arms again and short after he pinned me against the door, flashing angry at me.

"Let. Me. Go." My voice was calmed and demonic at the same time, causing him to loosen the grip around my arms and I was able to remove them out of his hands.

"I-Ink... please, calm-"

"I am calm. You're the nervous ones here, Dream."

"Brosky let just hand me 'er soul, alrighty? Everythin will be..." Fresh's hands came a little too close to Pibs's soul and I pressed it at me protective, accidentally absorbing it in me and it placed itself at the place, where my real soul would be.

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