Day 293

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Day 293

This awful smell was stuck in my nose, while some tears ran down my cheeks, down to my sleeves and finally landed into the smelling toilet bowl. I had this familiar sour taste in my mouth, always trying to spit it out, before I could probably gulp it down again.

Yes. I just puked.

It was like... 4 a.m. and my stomach decided, briefly before I woke up, that he wanted to get rid of something in me... I really. Really. Hate puking.

I would even call it a phobia of mine, because I cried every time I had to vomit or just felt like it. So, I was sobbing softly in the bathroom, resting a few more minutes next to the bowl, I had flushed the stuff down by now, waiting if there was something else.

I was still a little ill, but I guess, the thing my stomach wanted to get rid of was gone, then some bad headache started to grow inside of my head. My body shook, because I froze in my bare clothes, so, I did it to stand up and stagger back in my room and wrapping myself up in my blanket.

With a sigh, I sat down on my bed, I was about to lay down, when I heard Ink's door open and some sloppy steps going down the floor. They stopped suddenly before my room, I heard Ink mumbling something, before he peeked through the door gap and met my eyes.

"Mornin..." My voice sounded weak and hoarse, so Ink's eyes widened in surprise and he stumbled upset in my room.

"W-why are you already up? Did something happen? You cried?!" His high screech hurt in my ears and I rose a hand to stop his shouting, he understood and acted less loud. He sat down next to me and examined me, checking for my HP, which has declined a few points.

"I was ill and had to vomit..." With a more worried expression, Ink hugged me gently and wrapping his scarf around my neck.

"Oh no... Are you alright now? And why are you crying?"

"I... I panicked before, while and after vomiting... I just couldn't stop crying... I know, I'm a crybaby."

"No, you're not! I'm really worried about you, do you think, you can... eat something?" But I just shook my head, snuggling more up to Ink and laying my head on his shoulder. Tiredness took over and I fell asleep again, while that, Ink had picked me up and brought me over to his room. He laid next to me, spoon-like, him brushing over my skin.

A cute little jog woke me up again, I could hardly open up my eyes and focus on the person in front of me. It was Ink, he had some more color stains on his cheeks and forehead, looking at me with some question marks.

"W-what...?" I heard my voice fading away and just being a soft exhale, Ink patted my head a little and kissed me worried.

"Your HP went down again, you're almost hitting the last ten points... I'm worried, Pibs... Are you still that tired?" With a deep groan and a sloppy turning, he just stared at my back and I felt him embracing me from behind.

"Pibs, you can't sleep forever... and you need to eat something, or your HP can't increase again. Please, Pibs, I'm begging you! You need to stay awake..."

"Nuh... jus five more minutes... puh-lease... Lemme... Lemme..." But his grip tightened more, dragging me out of the bed and bringing me downstairs, so, he could make sure, I didn't fall asleep again or he just poked me again, if I was slipping into napping again.

While that, he was phoning another person, probably someone with medicine knowledge. I guess, it just took like five minutes and another Sans rushed into the living room, besides him was Ink pointing at me.

"She's acting weird for two days now! She didn't eat or drink something, just sleeping and her HP is... FUCK IT'S ALMOST FIVE POINTS! DO SOMETHING SCIENCE!" I was surprised to hear, that I've been sleeping two days now... It just felt like a few hours, even minutes, for me, but now I understood why Ink acted so upset.

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