Day 1'462

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Day 1'462

I just did it to read until day 55, because my eyes fell shut yesterday and my body gave in for the sleep. When I woke up this morning, I heard footsteps. They just went down and since then, never came back and I didn't hear a door falling shut.

I waited for several minutes, so Ink would possibly go back into his room, but I grew more impatient. So, I jumped on my feet and dared to step out of my room. Down in the living room sounded something, as if the TV was running, and I grew more curious.

I sneaked careful, step by step, when I could peek around the corner and saw Ink sitting in front of the TV, munching some popcorn. In this moment, I fought against myself, just to rush up to him and ask him, very aggressive, what he was doing for the last three months. But I decided, just to wander into the kitchen and get me some food and asking Fresh, if he was 'free' at the moment.

"Oh, Heya Pibs! Did you sleep well?" I was teared out of my thoughts, when Ink stood in the kitchen door frame. His eyes sparkled excited, like long time ago and I was tempted to just bounce happy in his arms.

With a minor glance, I ignored him, going further with making myself a peanut-butter sandwich and shoving it in my mouth. I could hear Ink approaching me, so, I turned around and hurried back to the door. But before, I could do a step, Ink's arm blocked my way and I had to stay still.

"Why are you refusing to talk to me? What did I do?"

"REALLY NOW?! You've got no idea, what you did, right?! MAYBE, IGNORING OR YELLING AT ME FOR LIKE THREE MONTHS CAUSING THIS SITUATION HERE." My head shot around and my eyes flashed furious at his face. He was obviously stunned about my reaction, scratching his skull.

"Don't you think... you exaggerate a bit?" Did he just really say that? Yes, he did. My face had turned red completely, I was about to have a great tantrum. He only had to say one more thing and I would explode.

"Like, maybe I behaved a little bit rude, but..."

"RUDE?! A LITTLE BIT RUDE?! I-I think you didn't even UNDERSTAND, what you behaved like! Y-you... y-you... I. J-just, leave me alone!" I had tears running down my cheeks and my sight was dizzy, but I did it to the staircase. With clumsy steps, I reached the top and threw the door shut. With strong stomps, I hurried to my bed and let me drop on it and screamed despaired in a pillow nearby.

"Fucking... idiot." With my pillow between my legs, I leaned against the wall and stared pointless at my desk. There were a few drawings and pencils, next to it my laptop. It was a little damaged and Ink had painted a galaxy on it, but I loved it.

I had to remember the day, when he accidentally poured some of his color on my device and we both panicked a little. He got a towel and could brush the most stuff away, but after that it looked like a real mess and he promised me to paint something really cool on it.

"I miss you, Ink..." I mumbled softly, pressing my face in my pillow again, when I heard somebody knocking at my door and Ink opened up a little bit. I could see his orange colored eyes glancing over to me, I didn't react to it just stare back at him. I went on just staring muted at him, until Ink couldn't take it anymore and broke through the silence.

"C-can I come in? I think, we have to talk..." With returning tears, I waited for Ink to enter my room fully, then I couldn't resist and jumped up on my feet. With a shaking body, I was standing on the other side of him, crying somehow, not really knowing, what I was expecting.

"Ink. Do you... still love me?" My voice was filled with sadness and despair,a little trembling and I wrapped my arms protective around my waist. First, Ink stared at me a little while, his expression was stunned and frightened, then he rushed up to me hugging me really tight.

"PIBS, NEVER EVER ASK SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! Of course, I 'still' love you, I-I just... Uh... um... welp. I can't say it."

"W-why can't you say IT? Why do I ALWAYS HAVE TO TEAR THE THINGS OUT OF YOU?! EVEN WITH ERROR, I HAD TO DO THIS AND I THOUGHT, YOU'D BE BETTER. I thought... you. You would talk to me, please just... tell me why you were so weird?" My words blamed Ink more, I could feel him clinching more into me and starting to sob.

"I'm so sorry... I-I'm so sorry!"

"I-Ink! I didn't want to... I'm sorry." When I spoke out my last words, Ink picked me up and carried me over at his room without hesitation. With a gentle throw, he catapulted me onto his bed and I could feel him crawling up to my upper body, laying his head on my chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and I laid my hands on his skull.

"Well... You know 'bout my problem, with... my non-existent soul, right?"


"And that, I told ya... that I can only show feelings with my... color filled vials."

"Y-yes, you told me many times, before we got in a relation."

"Well... I wanted to get on a diet of all this, but I just fell back into a dark and emotionless hole. I went depressive, thinking a lot and trying not to drink anything of the vials. B-but... I c-couldn't do it, I just... needed to drink it. I'm s-sorry..."

"Ink, I never wanted you to stop taking this!"


"You did." I cut off his words very serious, my hands clinched in the shoulder of Ink and push him away. My eyes pierced him furious, because I hated when Ink said he wasn't able to protect me. He made a truce with Error, a long time ago...

This changed my life. It was a... sad ending, but a new start.

"You kept your promise with Error. You remember it, right?"

"As if it was yesterday." 

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