No more reputations

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No more reputations

They teleported back, Pibs was hanging in the arms of these other similar Pibs, with her body. We others had gathered ourselves together, when we spotted them, Nightmare was the first one to focus on Pibs' soul and dragging her out of the stranger's arms, we all knew it was the creature somehow.


"STAB HER!" The bones flew, my brush cut off her arm, the similar Pibs collapsed forward, but didn't scream. She just watched Pibs, who shouted loudly to stop, but nobody listened.

The second arm was off, she just kneeled in front of us and moaned a little.

"I hope... you now know... you will never participate."

"Yes. I'm sorry. I'll fix it... promised." Her body vanished in front of our eyes, we stopped suddenly. This felt just... like it was done way too fast...

"Pibs are you alright?!"



"Jesus Christ, stop screaming here. I said, I'm gonna fix it."

Yes. It's me this time. I'm giving the last few information, before I let them be happy. Without me.

So, I stood behind them, fully healed and with my keypad. With a few taps, I did it to undo all the killing and deleting I did, presenting Ink and Pibs all the people I have killed.

There was Fresh, Palette, PJ, Dream and many more. I felt so guilty.

"W-what... what is happening here?"

"I've got to explain... many things to all of you. Please don't ki-"

And then they killed me.


I appeared again, this time trying to dodge.

But they killed me again. And this went on and on, until I had to paralyze them again.

"Listen! Jesus CHRIST! I am. Your creator. With better words, I'm just the creator of Pibs... all of the other ones were copied. You all are copies of your real beings, trapped in this world and your character was overwritten by me, so you fit in my created world. There are... many other dimensions I did this too... but this time, the difference is I gave Pibs my will. A piece of my real soul. Her red-outlining." I gave Pibs back all her memories, even the ones with the story before and everyone knew now... that there was another story. Another reason why she was here.

"Y-you... always were my girlfriend..."

"So much... Memories... Ink."

I looked at them. Then pressed the deleting button on my keypad and turned invisible. I just... deleted myself out of their minds, even the fight we had. They would think, they had an ordinary meeting.

Yeah it will be weird.


That was the story of my vessel. My beloved vessel.

I'll accept it now, she's happy with Ink.

Yeah, this story...

Was one of my most beloved ones, because I loved the idea, but well I'm not really satisfied with it. Anyway, there is much love in this story.

And also, I guess it's the last story... (except for the Oneshots) of Underverse and Undertale.

Hope you like it.

Give it critics. Shoot your ideas.

I'm open for everything." 

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