Chapter 33 (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Maybe practice some on my powers....

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I walked out of the bathroom dressed in all dark clothes. I don't know why, but they seemed to make my eyes pop. However, it did contrast from my paleness, but I really didn't care. "All  right, we should get going," I said, as I pulled on a ponytail. "We need to find David and Laura fast, because I don't trust Bane." I walked around the room and started to pack everything. I was trying to keep it together, but to be honest, I was scared.

"Bu-" Ralph said, as I was packing up my bag.

"Ralph," I said and turned to look at him, letting my mask fall for a minute, so that he could see the fear that I was trying to hide. "I-I can't stay here. Adele knew that this was a bad idea and that W's are here. I-I can't wait for them to come back," I said. I moved a hand through my hair and tried to compose myself. "Now, can we please try to find them?"

Ralph looked at me, and I could see the look of understanding pass through his face. He nodded his head. "All right," he replied. He grabbed his stuff and Davids. "They are trying find a new car. We've been followed for a little while."

I looked at him for a minute before shaking my head. I grabbed hold of my dagger and placed it in my jeans, covering it with the back of my shirt. I placed my gun in the front part of the bag, along with some bullets. "I can't believe that he did this," I muttered.

"Well, you kind of passed out, Eira. We were all worried that you wouldn't wake."

I sighed and nodded my head. "Alright, I won't hurt him," I said. "But if I see a W, I might make his life miserable for the rest of the trip."

Ralph smiled and nodded his head. "Let's go," he said and he started to walk out the door. I smiled, following him out. "So Laura and David left us the key. Laura kind of bribed David to do it. I think she knows that you might want to get out of here quickly, so..."

My grinned grew, glad that we had both room keys. "I love Laura," I said. "She knows me too well." I walked up front, putting on my actress smile. "Hi," I said, making my voice sound a little bit Southern. "My Uncle had gotten us a room but... we just got a call that our grandmother is in the hospital. So, here is the key." I handed the key to the awed male, before looking at Ralph. "Come on, Cous, we need to go." With that I walked out, sashaying, a little.

Ralph shook his head at me and started to laugh. "You are crazy," he said.

I turned to look at him and smirked before turning the right way. I walked out of the motel, followed by Ralph. Now, I just have to worry about finding Laura and David. They were in a car shop, so this shouldn't take a little while. Please, note the sarcasm.

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"So..." Ralph said, after a few minutes. "Do you know where we are?"

"No clue," I replied. I shrugged my shoulder. The back of my neck started to tingle, and I shivered, slightly. My whole body tensed, as I looked around. I felt this sudden... coldness and lost of hope. It was as if everything good was sucked up, because something was watching me. "Do you feel that?" I asked, looking at Ralph.

Ralph frowned, glancing around, before turning to look behind us "W's," he muttered to me. He gripped my arm, nervous. "We got to go right now before they-"

There was a loud moan, and I knew that they had spotted us. "No time," I said. "Run!" With that I started to run, grabbing hold of his hand.

Fear started to nip at my heels, and I knew that this had all been a bad idea. Why? Why did he make us go Seattle? He could've gotten a car from somewhere else, but he got it here.

I'm going to get you, David, I thought with a growl and frowned. I bit my lip, as I shoved people out of the way. They wouldn't be affected by their touch, I knew that much. They would only have a small fear, and that was it. I-I don't know how I remember that. I just knew it.

I took off my compass and looked around.

"W-what are you doing?" Ralph asked, as he tried to peek at the compass. I glanced at him, and I could see that realization dawned at him. "N-n-no, you can't do it. You don't have your stone."

I looked at him, pointedly. "I don't care," I replied. "It's a quick way, and we might be able to find David and Laura quicker."

"Or we can just go down random streets," Ralph said.

I rolled my eyes. "And lead the W's to them? Hell no," I snapped. "I'm not going to do that, and if you can't do this, then maybe we should split." I gritted my teeth, feeling my anger splurge. "This is the reason why I didn't want to go here. Another, is because I don't want to get killed, before I get to know my full strength. People are counting on me, Ralph."

Ralph sighed and nodded his head. "All right," he said, softly. "Now, where do we go?"

I looked down at my compass and ran down an alleyway, following the needle. "This way," I said, as I watched the compass needle point to the wall. "Damn it," I muttered, as I saw a wall in front of me. I stopped,turned around and tensed, spying four W's blocking our path to leave.

"We should go back," Ralph said, hesitantly. He turned to look back. "Or... not," he replied. He backed up, and I knew that he could feel the fear as much as I did. However, I think that I could maybe handle it a little more.

"This is going to be stupid but..." I took of the compass and placed it in his hands. "Go." I shoved him back. "If you find David and Laura... tell them that I'll meet them at Angesia." I knew that my uncle wouldn't kill me, yet. I didn't care. If I could get there either way, then maybe I could unlock my powers and my memory.


"No, go Ralph," I said looking at him. "Please."

Ralph cleared his throat and looked at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but I shoved him so hard that he almost went through the portal. He looked at me, a little stunned, before looking back at the W's, who were closer than before. "Be careful," he said.

I smirked. "No promises," I said. And with that, I screeched like a wild animal before charging at them, letting all my anger and all my fear go towards fighting them. I pulled out my dagger, from where it had stayed in my pants. My eyes narrowed, as I watched them.

The Walker, closer to me, seemed to grin at me, with a toothless grin and reached it's hands towards me.

I grunted a little and dodged it's hands. I started to cut at them, but one of them touched my head, and all I felt was unbearable pain. All I could do was, scream.

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