Chapter 21 - Front Line

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"Are you ready?" Bolin asked. The tents had been pitched and the medics were prepared. They had laid out the stretchers and their tools. Outside, it was silent. But Ruyi knew that just outside the flap of their tent an army of thousands awaited for the call. 

She squeezed her eyes shut. Please, Enlai. Be safe. She prayed silently. She rubbed her jade pendant. You too, Delun. 

"I'm ready."

The sound of war drums shook the earth on which they stood. Moments later the uproar of her people poured out down the mountains spreading out onto the battlefield. It had begun. She felt the first metallic clash of sword against sword in her gut. 

It wasn't long before soldiers came pouring into the medical tents. Men she recognised and men she didn't. One was pulled in, groaning in pain, clutching at his side with a stab wound. 

"I've got him, I've got him," she said, helping to lift him onto a stretcher. Within seconds, her hands were stained with blood, but she was unfazed. She cleaned the wound and stitched him up, knowing that the man was incredibly lucky to have all his organs intact. 

By the time she looked up from his body, the tent was in chaos. 

"Ruyi!" Bolin called for her from the other side of the tent. She looked back down at her patient. "You'll be fine. Just don't move. Ang, give him some painkillers," she commanded. The soldier nodded weakly before Ruyi weaved through the crowd of medics and patients to help Bolin.

"Quickly, the gao," Bolin said, referring to the antiseptic cream they had brewed before. Ruyi hurriedly gave Bolin a bottle before wiping around the fresh wound with clean rags. She recognised this soldier. He was one of Enlai's friends, Tian.

"You're going to be fine, Tian," she reassured, squeezing his hand tightly, knowing he would be in immense pain as Bolin smeared the gao over the long gash across his chest. Tian's face was white as a sheet, teeth clenched. His entire body was shuddering violently. "He can't keep moving like this, hold him down," Bolin said. 

Ruyi held down his shoulders, more blood smearing her hands, but she couldn't focus on that. "Tian, just look at me," she shoved some yu jin into his mouth to help with the pain. He breathed heavily as Bolin dressed his wound. 

Bolin nodded at her. He could do the rest now. She turned back to scan the rest of the tent. She swiped her forehead with her sleeve, carefully not to accidentally make contact with her bloody hands. 

A messenger opened the flap and stepped in. Ruyi rushed forward to meet him. "Any news?" 

"It looks like we're winning, but at this stage, it's still hard to tell. The front line has remained strong and is still fighting."

Ruyi nodded thanks, and the messenger walked past to count the deaths. 

Right outside the tent was the sharp sound of a horse neighing.


The General swept the tent flap aside and strode in carrying a body. Ruyi's eyes zeroed in on the body, which laid limp in his arms.

"Enlai?" She cried out, barely able to use her legs to stride forward towards them. 

"He's still alive. He's still breathing," Delun said, breathing heavily. Blood was smeared all over him, on his armour and his face. Whether it was his or Enlai's or someone else's, she couldn't be sure. 

"Bolin! Bolin, please!" She cried, hurriedly peeling off Enlai's armour to get a better look at the stab wound. It was bad, really bad. He had already lost so much blood, and she had a feeling the knife had pierced his lungs. 

Bolin was by her side in an instant. 

"You say alive, Enlai. You promised me, remember?" Ruyi urged, terrified by the deathly pallor of his skin. She needed to be strong, to stay focused. She swiped the tears at her eyes and stilled her hands. She and Bolin worked with careful efficiency. But it was too late. She knew then, even after she had done everything she could. It was too late for her brother.

"He's leaving me," Ruyi cried out. "Di di, brother, please. You promised," she cried, curling her arms around his bleeding body. 

Gentle but steady hands grasped her arms and she was pulled into the General's chest. His arms closed around her, wrapping her in them. Everything felt numb. Her body was heaving with her cries, but she couldn't hear herself, couldn't feel Delun's rough armour against her cheek. Enlai was gone. Her little brother was gone. She was supposed to protect him. But she failed. 

Suddenly everything became too loud. The clashing of weaponry outside mixed with the yelling inside the tent rushed in her ears. There was no time for grieving. Not right now. The stabbing pain in her heart made her take in a shuddering breath. 

"You need to head back," she said.

She looked up at Delun's grim expression, his eyes full of worry. He looked torn. He didn't want to go, she knew that. But he also had a duty to his men. 

Ruyi stepped out of his arms but kept her hands in his. "It's okay. I'm okay. Go back, they need you." 

He looked deeply into her eyes, almost searching to make sure he could really leave her. Finally, Delun nodded. 

He pressed a rough kiss against her forehead, before striding out of the tent. The last thing she saw before the flap fell back down was him leaping onto his horse. 

Bolin was by her side. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Ruyi, you don't have to keep going," he said.

She looked down at her brother. He looked peaceful now like he could be asleep. She dried her eyes. She couldn't save him. But she could save others. 

"I do. I have to keep going," she said. 

Before she could say anything else, the messenger rushed in again. 

"Ruyi! A message from the other tent. It's the Emperor's assassin. He insists that you be the one to treat him."

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