Chapter 28 - Love

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Delun let go with a harsh gasp, crushing Ruyi, who shuddered out a pleasured breath. 

"I love you," he whispered in her ear.

In the aftermath, Ruyi and Delun laid together on their bed, facing one another. In the candlelight, Delun's eyes flickered from amber to gold. He was beautiful.

"Tell me about how you ended up at the palace," she whispered, trailing a finger down his arm. 

Delun was silent for a while. It had been years since he uttered a word about his previous life, his life before the palace. Memories burned into his brain, memories he wanted to forget were brought forward. 

"My mother was distantly connected to the royal family," he began. Curiosity stirred in Ruyi's eyes, but she remained silent. 

"She grew up in the palace. Not as a princess, but a noblewoman. But it was a life she hated," he said. His eyes felt distant now, not truly watching her. 

"When she was nineteen, she was married off to a high ranking general, favoured by the old Emperor. My father."

The first General Lang. 

Ruyi kept her hand on Delun's arm, stroking gently. 

"But she was in love with someone else." His voice was pained. 

"What happened?" Ruyi asked, moving close to him. Placing her palm on his bare chest. He covered her hand with his own.

"My father died when I was very young. In battle. When news arrived of her husband's death, my mother knew she was finally free. She could finally be free of me." 

Ruyi's heart broke for the man before her. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer, wanting to somehow shield him from the pain. 

Delun kissed her bare shoulder. "It's alright, darling," he said. 

"I was brought to the palace soon after, out of respect for my father's service. I was trained from a young age to follow in his footsteps. It was hard, but they fed and clothed me. The Emperor that you see now, he was a friend, another child whose future was decided for him." 

Ruyi pulled back, surprised. "You grew up with him?" She asked. 

Delun nodded. "After you, he's the closest thing I have to family."

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