Chapter 8 - The Emperor

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The Emperor had requested to meet her. She was ridiculously nervous, and couldn't believe that he would ask for a meeting with a new doctor.

Nevertheless, the General had informed her that the Emperor wanted to see her, and here she was standing before him. And he was truly an impressive and domineering image.

The man was clothed in the finest silk robes and had the stature to truly wear it properly, unlike many Emperors before him who seemed to be swallowed by their clothing. He was unexpectedly young, even younger than the General, but his dark eyes were sharp and aware.

Ruyi now understood why so many maids of the palace whispered about him in passing, always trying to catch his attention. He was young, handsome and the most powerful man in the country. And yet, she still found her eyes always were drawn back to the dark warrior who stood metres away from her, always watching.

"I'm pleased to finally meet you, Ruyi," the Emperor said. "The pleasure is all mine, your majesty. How can I be of service?" She asked

"You saved my youngest brother, whom I favour the most. I would like to thank you for your service," he replied, and Ruyi was shocked.

"I- of course, your majesty. I'll always do my best to save lives, especially those that risk their lives to protect us," she said, and felt the weight of the General's piercing eyes rest on her. "I heard you were stationed in the medical tent last battle. And how did you find that?" The Emperor asked.

Ruyi felt a sharp pang of sadness for Enlai's injury. "It was a shocking experience," she admitted. "My brother...he was hurt during that battle."

"I see. And did you join the medical unit to protect him?" He asked. His face was impossible to read. Ruyi wasn't quite sure what he wanted from her. She glanced at the general. What kind of game was she playing? Was there a right answer?

She opted for the truth. "I did, your majesty," she began. But then she stood taller and looked him in the eye, "But I also did it for myself. I wanted to help my people. And I wanted to put my skills to use. I know I can make a big difference," she said.

The Emperor impassive expression briefly gave away a flicker of respect, before he turned to his side and gestured towards a young, small-framed man dressed as a soldier, but wearing a different uniform.

The entire time Ruyi had spoken with the Emperor, she hadn't noticed the man standing there. Something about his demeanour, and the way that he held himself, implied to Ruyi that he was used to hiding in the shadows, unnoticed by the common eye. She couldn't quite make out his face, which was covered by a mask. But she felt that something was odd about him.

She wondered who he was, and what he did for the Emperor. But his opinion clearly meant a lot to the Emperor, as after he whispered something in his master's ear, the Emperor nodded and stood before her.

"Another war is coming. Bigger, and much more important than the last. The Qing's are getting impatient. They want land, and they want blood. I have seen many doctors in my time as Emperor, but few have had the courage to treat royalty, and even fewer have had the courage to defy tradition. I think we will need someone like you on the front line. It's closest to the action. You may need to help carry the wounded into the tents, treat them and save them."

"There is, of course, the issue of your gender. You would be an automatic target for the enemy. You must dress like the other doctors and do your hair in a similar fashion. "Will you do this for me?" He asked.

Ruyi was completely dumbstruck. What else could she say? She was honoured, slightly excited to be where the action was. But terrified.  She would be in constant danger.

She steeled herself despite everything she had come to understand about war, despite the hard expression on the general who stood to her left, that seemed disapproving even of the Emperor.

"I will," she replied.

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