Chapter 18 Volume 5 The Finale: Part 4

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Zack (POV)
Both Raven and I collapse to our knees
Raven- Thank you Zack.
Zack- Whatever. Sorry about your protege.
Raven-Thanks. She was a good one.
Raven gets up and goes to the golden gate. He places her hand on the door and it begins to glow with a blue hue. The doors fold open revealing a desert dimension with a golden lantern sitting on a pedestal. I use one of my swords to stand me up. I limp over to Raven.
Zack- You know I can't let you have the relic right?
Raven- Yeah.
Zack- So what do we do?
Raven- I guess we keep fighting.
Zack- Oh come on! You're just as beat up as I am. You're strength is gone too. Look, I love to fight but even I know when it's time to call it a day.
Raven- I'll stop if you come with me.
Zack- Hell to the no.
Raven- Then I guess we continue.
We stand a few paces away from each other and lift our swords. Just when we are about to go at it, we hear a boom. We look in the direction that it came from and see a one armed Yang.
Blake (POV)
The battle outside is pretty much won. Elias and I went inside to find all of our friends fighting some people along with Emerald and Mercury. Elias stayed in there to help while I went back out and fought some more. I'm again face to face with Adam.
Adam- I'm going to make you regret ever coming back.
Blake- More police are on their way Adam. Huntsmen too.
Adam- Still too afraid to face me on your own.
Blake- I'm here for Haven not you.
He draws his katana and pull out my sword.
Adam- You are still afraid and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away.
???- Oh yeah?
Sun comes up behind him.
Sun- Where?
Adam- Tell me. Does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?
Sun- Nah. It's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin, for someone who claims to have powerful friends, doesn't seem like a lot of people here are willing to fight for you.
Adam looks around to see his soilders surrendering and getting arrested. A spotlight shines down on him.
Blake- You can try and make me regret coming here Adam but honestly, I've got more important things to deal with. Adam attacks us. Sun lands a few blows in with his staff and Adam hightails it. Sun runs after him.
Blake- Sun wait!
Sun- But he's getting away! We can take him!
Blake- No we can't. He wants to lure us away and pick us off individually. We need to protect the school and the people here. Now he can see what it feels like to run away. Thank you.
Sun- We all need help sometimes.
I still here fighting in the main building. Sun goes off somewhere while I run to the main building.
Ethan (POV)
Everybody on the good side are focusing on the big guy.
Ethan- Dante, Elias! Let's do that one move we pulled of during the Vytal festival.
Dante- You got it bro.
Elias- On it. Gale Force Tornado!!
A wickedly big tornado spawns.
Dante- Flame Emperor Raging Fire.
Dante adds hits flames to the tornado making it a fire tornado.
Ethan- My turn.
I use my electric current to go behind Hazel. I take out five of my swords.
Ethan- Five Sword Style: Crouching Electric Strike!!
I hit hazel in his back with my attacks. I get out the way just in time to see the fire twister suck up Hazel and throw him into the stairs. Blake comes in and regroups with RWNRJED and myself. Hazel gets up and regroups with emerald and Mercury. Lionheart retreated further into the school.
Ethan *mind*- I wonder what's going on down below.
Zack (POV)
I went and sat up against a rock while Yang dealt with her mother.
Raven- I told you Yang. I gave you every opportunity to walk away from Qrow and Oz so you can believe me when I say this wasn't personal.
Yang- You opened the vault.
Raven- Thanks to the chaos you and your friends caused upstairs. I knew you could handle it. You're my daughter after all.
Yang- Qrow and Oz told me how the maiden powers are transferred. The girl you found. She would've have to had trusted you if you were in her final thoughts. Cared about you a lot.
Raven- I'm sure they told you plenty and you just sat and obeyed.
Yang- No. I'm starting to ask questions like you said. So tell me. What happened to the last spring maiden? Did she die in battle? Was it sickness?
Raven- What does it matter to you?
Yang- I can already see the answer. It's written all over your face. How could you?!!
Zack- You killed her just like Cinder did to Amber.
Raven- She was scared when we found her. Weak. No amount of training I put her through she never learned! She wasn't cut out for this world and with those powers she would've been hunted her entire life!! What I did
Yang- Wasn't personal.
Raven- It was mercy!!
Zack- Mercy you say?
We both look at Zack
Author: That type of look.

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