Chapter 9 Volume 5

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Yang (POV)
I make it to the camp around sunset and escorted in by a group of bandits. They lead me to the biggest tent in this run down camp. A woman in a grim helmet steps out.
Yang- Mom.
Mom takes off her helmet.
Raven- Yang. So after all this time you finally decided to visit me.
Yang- You know that I searched for you. I spent years looking for you.
Raven- And you found me. You were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well done Yang but did you have to be so rough with my men?
Yang- I didn't want a fight. They started it.
Raven- Well you certainly finished it.
We stare at each other for a couple seconds.
Raven- Right. I'm sure this is very overwhelming but I must admit that you have proven yourself so any questions you have, I'll be happy to answer. You can stay with us for the night. I'll even have the cooks whip up something for you.
Yang- That's not why I'm here!
Raven- What was that?!
Yang- I'm not here for you. Ruby is somewhere in Mistral. She's with Qrow and she's going to need my help. I just need you to take me to her.
Raven- And why would I do that?
Yang- Because we're family.
Raven- (sighs) Family. Only coming around when they need something. I have to say I'm disappointed. After all you found me didn't you? Why not that drive and find your little sister if she really means that much to you.
Yang- Because you're gonna save me time. Ruby was headed to Mistral but there is no guarantee that she made it there. Looking for her in Anima can take ages. But dad told me how your semblances works.
Raven- Tai.
Yang- You can to certain people and when you do you can create a portal that takes you straight to them. You've got one for dad, one for me, and one for Qrow. He promised me he would watch out for Ruby before he left. So make a portal to my uncle and sister and I'll be on my way.
Raven- You know, it's takes real strength to march in here and demand such a favor of me. I got to say I'm impressed. It's very noble to want to help out your sister but if she's with Qrow, then she's already a lost cause unlike Qrow's partner. He shows promise. You don't want to get mixed up in all of that Yang. Ozpin is not the man you think he is and Qrow is a fool for trusting him. I would know. I trusted him once too.
Yang- I don't care what you think!
Raven- Your choice is your own. All I'm suggesting is that instead of getting wrapped up in something that's to big for you, for any of us, that maybe you take a moment to wonder if you're already where you belong.
Yang- Save your breath. You can spout off whatever you want but nothing is going to keep me away from my sister!
Raven- Oh aren't you stubborn.
Yang- I get it from my mom.
Raven- Well if that's how you feel, then it seems that we're done here. Take her away.
The entire camp of bandits encircle me.
Yang- Did you not here me?! I said send me to Qrow damn it!!
A bandit attacks me and I punch him in the gut making him fly into a tent. It falls revealing two people in a separate crates.
Dante (POV)
WD- Yang?!
Yang- Weiss and is that Dante.
Dante- How's it going.
Weiss- Alright well subtlety is out.
Dante- Yeah time to move. Flame Emperor Wildfire!
An explosion of fire erupts and burns my cage while Weiss summons her knight and it breaks her cage. We run and stand next to Yang. I summon fire in both my hands.
Dante- Stand down before I light this place up!
Raven- I'd like to see you try.
Dante- You clearly underestimate me bitch.
Yang- What's going on? How'd you guys get here?
Dante- Long story short, your asshat of a mother kidnaped us.
Yang- (looks at Raven) You kidnapped them?!
Dante- Yep now lets get this party started.
Bandits started to rush us.
Dante- Flame Emperor
A strike of lightning hit the ground stopping me from finishing what I was gonna do.
Raven- Enough!!!
We stare Raven.
Raven- Thank you Vernal.
Dante *mind*- So she uses lightning huh? Probably not as strong as Ethan's though.
Raven- If you people don't keep it together, this place will be crawling with grim. (Looks at Vernal) Give to girl and boy their weapons back.
She tosses out weapons and we catch it.
Dante- Don't touch my katana again or else you'll be missing a hand.
Vernal- Pssh whatever you say handsome. (Winks at Zack)
Weiss tries to take a step forward to Vernal but I hold her back.
Raven- You three inside my tent now!
Yang- Why?
Raven- If you're really going after your sister, then you need to know the truth. She walks in her tent and the bandits leave us be.
Yang- Sorry about
She didn't even finish before Weiss had her in a tight hug. I stand back and just look at them with a smile.
Weiss- I missed you so much.
Yang- I missed you too.
Yang looks at me.
Yang- You get in here too. I missed you as well.
I smirked and we all share a big group hug. I may have shed a tear.
Dante- Alright. Let's get going.
Author: So 3 members out of the 11 are back together. The family is nearing its reunion. I can't wait!! Hope y'all enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

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