Chapter 19 Volume 5: The Epilouge

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Zack (POV)
It's been a very interesting couple weeks since Haven. I was bed ridden for about a week and a half due to my injuries and getting my ass kicked by everyone which I low key deserved. The rest of the time I was spent catching up with everybody and telling them my story. Ruby was the most interesting of them all because she wouldn't leave my side. She even tried coming into the bathroom with me a couple times which was scary. My bros had to help me on that problem. Right now I'm in the living room speaking to Qrow on what to do next.
Zack- So what's our next move?
Qrow- Well, we head to Atlas and the relic that's at their huntsman academy.
Zack- Alright but Weiss said they closed its borders. How do we get in?
Qrow- I'm still thinking on it. For now just relax. We're not going anywhere anytime soon.
Zack- Ok.
Timeskip to that night
I'm chillin in the Sakura enjoying the nightly breeze. I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look down to see Ruby.
Ruby- Hey.
Zack- Sup.
Ruby- What are you doing?
Zack- Just enjoying the night. Kinda developed this habit since I started watching you.
Ruby chuckles a bit. I hop down and I sit up against the tree with Ruby wrapped in my arms.
Ruby- The night sure is beautiful. You can see almost every star.
Zack- Sure can.
Ruby- Still can't believe you followed us this whole time.
Zack- Yeah I know. I had to keep you guys safe.
Ruby- Thank you for doing that.
Zack- It was no biggie.
Ruby- Y'know after everything that's happened between losing you and stopping cinder, it's really got me thinking.
Zack- Should I be worried!
Ruby- No. I just thought that since we're not promised tomorrow, I believe we should make the most of the time we still have in this world.
Zack- And that is?
Ruby- How about we take our relationship a bit further?
Zack- You're starting to sound like Yang. Ethan told me what she did to him.
Ruby- Yeah so?
Zack- Even if we were to go through with this, there's still lots of people inside.
Ruby-That's why I booked a hotel ahead of time.
Zack- Damn you really thought this out.
Ruby- (chuckles) I learn from the best. Now let's go.
Zack- Yes madam president.
Salem's Realm
Salem (POV)
Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury enter my court.
Salem- So, did you get the relic and where is Cinder?
Emerald begins to cry.
Emerald- Zack Fullbuster was confirmed alive and he killed Cinder and bested Raven Branwen who is the spring maiden. Ozpin has reincarnated and he has the relic of Knowledge.
I don't say a word.
Arthur- I told that girl don't let her grudge get in the way.
Tyrian- (laughs maniacally)- You're all going to get now. You displeased the queen in a major way.
Salem- All of you get out of my court.
Arthur- Excuse me?
Salem- LEAVE ME!!!!!
They all leave the room. Once the door is shut I destroy the room with my power. Glass shards are everywhere. The table is split in half. The chairs got thrown out the window. It's like a tornado came in here.
Salem- Kai!!!! Come here please!!!
He comes from the shadows and kneels before me.
Kai- Yes mistress?
Salem- I have an important job for you.
Kai- What is it?
Salem- Zack Fullbuster is alive. He killed Cinder. I need you to find him and end his miserable life.
Kai- It will be done mistress
He leaves the room.
Kai *mind*- So you're still alive. You're such a nonsense but that's ok. I'll make sure to kill for good this time......little brother.
Author: That is that. Zack got some. Good for him. Looks like Atlas is the next location as he continues his adventure. A bombshell was dropped. Kai is Zack's older brother. What?! This next installment is going to be lit.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 5Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ