Chapter 12 Volume 5

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The next day in Menagerie
Elias (POV)
Blake, Sun and I were in front of Blake's house at the crack of dawn. We were gonna try and recruit people for our plan to save Haven Academy.
Blake- Ok are you ready?
Sun- I've beat up on giant monsters and robots more than once. I think I can handle getting a few signatures.
Elias- If you say so.
We spent all morning trying to get signatures but with no luck. We were all sitting at a table in the marketplace drinking fruit juice.
Sun- I don't get it! How can they just sit around and do nothing while the Whitefang prepare the attack?!
Blake- Because not everyone are like you, Elias, or me. The faunas here in Menagerie, the ones that weren't born on the island all moved here because they were tired of fighting. Of having to struggle constantly. Menagerie is filled with people who just want to be left alone. Yet here we are asking them to put the rest of the world before themselves.
Sun- I guess I never really thought about it like that.
Blake- The problem is that whatever happens at Haven is going to affect them no matter what. If Adam gets his way and Haven falls, its only gonna make it worse for the faunas everywhere.
Sun- Adam. He's the guy you used with!
Blake- (sighs) Yes.
Sun- Sorry. Forget I brought it up.
Blake- No it's ok. Have you ever met someone and thought they were the personification of this word?
Elias- Yes. Zack had multiple. Strength, fortitude, power.
Blake- When I got to know Ruby and thinking this girl is the embodiment of purity. After awhile I say Weiss as defiance and Yang was strength. Zack was all Elias and then more.
Sun- Well what am I?
Blake- I'm still thinking on that one but I'm leaning more towards earnest. Elias is amiable. At first I thought Adam was justice then I thought he was passion. But over time I realized I was wrong. He wasn't any of those things. He was spite. Not hatred. Not rage. Spite. He won't accept equality. Only suffering for what the world and Zack did to him. His way of thinking is dangerously contagious. That's what worries me about Ilia. She's not like Adam. Not yet at least.
Elias- You sure about that?
Blake- Yes I'm sure but I don't know how long that'll last.
Sun- She was your friend huh?
Blake- She was. Her chameleon traits meant that she could pass as human. She could've lived a normal life if she wanted but she didn't. I always admired that. She lost her family in a mining accident when she was young and she joined the Whitefang. Like me she was more or less trained on the road like other faunas. She learned to survive, to defend herself, but as people like Sienna and Adam began gain a following, she became more dangerous. I guess I did too. My parents tried to get me to leave with them but I refused. I had Adam and Ilia after all.
Sun- You know we're gonna have to face her eventually.
Blake- I know.
Elias- So what're gonna do?
Blake- I'm gonna try and help her the way you and Zack helped me.
Elias- Alright but if things go south, she's mine.
Timeskip to that night
Blake (POV)
I was hanging out with Elias on the balcony of my house when we hear sun.
Sun- You guys ready to go?!
Blake- We'll be right there!
Elias- So you ready for this?
Blake- As ready as I'll ever be.
Sun- We going recruiting or what? We have the whole nocturnal section to hit up.
Blake- You two go ahead. I'll meet you there. I have to take care of something. I walk off leaving them both.
I arrived in a remote part of the town.
Blake- Ilia?
I draw my sword when I hear footsteps coming towards me. Ilia appears before me.
Blake- Ilia, I know you're scared but you don't have to be. My family and I can keep you safe.
Ilia raises her arms in the air.
Ilia- I'm sorry.
Blake- You can make it up to me by helping us stop Corsac and Fennec.
Ilia- No. I'm sorry.
She clutches her hand as if it were a signal for something.
I get tackled to the ground by someone and I lose my sword. I sit up.
Blake- Wait.
I get webbed up.
Faunas 1- I've got her.
Faunas 2- Well done sister and to you Ilia.
The guy tosses Ilia her sword.
Blake- Ilia! What are you doing?!
Ilia- I tried to warn you Blake. I'm sorry.
Blake- Don't tell me you're sorry!!
Ilia- But I am. I am sorry it has to be this way but you and your family are holding the faunas back!
Blake- Because we're trying to protect people?!! In what world to you live in where attacking the innocent is the right thing to do?!!
Ilia- The same one as you!! There's no such thing as innocent!! There's no right thing to do!! Only what's best for us!! There's the humans that hate the faunas and then there's the others who stand by and let the hate happen!!! But you know what snuffs out hate?!! Fear!!  I don't like hurting people but I'll tell you this. It's gotten us results.
Blake- Yeah. Look at where it's gotten you.
Ilia- We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good. Now matter how much it hurts.
Blake- And you think killing me is for the greater good?
Ilia- No but getting rid of your family is.
Blake- You wouldn't! You can't!! I won't let you!!
Ilia- I know. That's why you're being sent to Mistral. To Adam.
Blake- Ilia Please!! You don't have to do this!! This isn't you!!
Ilia- Yes. It. Is. But guess back then you were too busy falling for Adam to notice. I was always jealous at the way you looked at him. I wanted you to look at me that way. But we can't always get what we want! Yuma with me! You two get her to the docks!!
Ilia and this Yuma guy leave.
Faunas- Lets go traitor.
???- Over my dead body!!! Wind punch!!!
Elias comes out of nowhere and hits the faunas that bids me. Sun comes out of nowhere too and battles the other with his staff. I get the webbing off of me and punch the faunas that sun was fighting.
Blake- How'd you find me?
Elias- I tailed you. We heard everything. We need to go. Now!
Blake- Right lets go.
Author: Alright. Battle chapter incoming. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now