Chapter 7 Volume 5

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The same morning back in the city of Mistral
Zack (POV)
That was perhaps one of the most stressful nights I've ever had. We didn't get much talking done last night due to Qrow being drunk so everybody turned in for the night. I had changed back to normal and slept on the couch but I always had to stay partially awake to hide incase someone decided to come out of their room. Ren did so I had to change become a shadow and hide in the darkness until he were away. Now this morning I was in my dragon form and everyone gathered in the living awaiting Oscar's explanation on how he was Oz.
Qrow- Mind showing us your little parlor trick kid?
Oscar- Yeah ok. Just so you know I'll still be here.
He closes his eyes and is briefly engulfed in a bright green light. He opens them again and his eyes are glowing.
Oscar (Oz)- It is so very good to see you again students.
Zack *mind*- The fuck? That's Oz? He really sounds like him.
Jaune- Wait what just happened?
Ren- Professor...Ozpin?
Oscar (Oz)- Correct. Though I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present mentally. He's merely handed over the controls. I'm afraid this must be very perplexing.
Nora- And alarming and bizarre and just really hard to believe overall!
Oscar (Oz)- (chuckles)- It's good to see you children still have your since of humor. I know you've been through tremendous hardships already. I'm sorry.
Ruby- I mean, it's not your fault.
Oscar (Oz) It's all my fault. I told you before that I have made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. I wasn't exaggerating. I'm...cursed. For thousands of years I have walked the surface of remnant. Living, dying, and reincarnating into the body of a like minded soul. The professor Ozpin you met before was not my first body and clearly wasn't my last. It' extraordinary extraneous process on every one involved.
Jaune- What are you?
Oscar (Oz)- I am the combination of counting men who's spent their lives trying to protect the people of remnant. With every rebirth my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because I failed to stop Salem in the past but we must stop her now.
Ruby- And how do we do that?
Oscar (Oz)- Qrow has already informed me of Mr Zack Fullbuster's untimely demise at the fall of beacon. He had his own reasons for wanting to kill Salem and due to his abilities and his potential to reach god status, he was my best shot at stopping her. Now that he's gone we have to go with plan B. First we have to insure the safety of the relic of Knowledge.
Timeskip to that night
Weiss (POV)
I wake up in some sort of cage. My hands are bound. I notice that it's nighttime.
Weiss *mind*- How long was I out.
I look around to two male bandits and another cage next to mine. It has Dante in it.
Weiss- (whispers) Dante! Are you ok?
Dante (whispers) Yeah I'm fine. My head just hurts a little.
Bandit 1- Well well well. Look who's finally awake.
Weiss- What's going on? Where am I?
???- You know, I'd never thought I'd see a Schnee and a Foster in this camp.
Bandit 1- (gasps and jumps up with bandit 2) Vernal.
This Vernal person has my rapier and Dante's Katana.
Weiss- What do you want?
Vernal- Straight to the point. I like it even after you and your little friend have been out cold since yesterday evening. We don't normally deal in trafficking people but once we realized we had a Schnee and a Foster, that changed.
Dante- It's a waste of your time. My parents let me go with her. They told me to follow my heart and do what's right.
Weiss- You're gonna ransom me back to my father is that it?
Vernal- It's a shame you're a Schnee. You'd probably do quite well around here. (Looks at Dante) As for you, you probably still have a chance. Unfortunately Raven has her eyes set on another but someone as handsome looking as you will do me nicely.
Weiss- Back off bitch! He's mine! And I would never sink to your level.
Vernal- Just keep quiet and cooperate and you'll be back in your mansion before you know it.
She turns and leaves but stops.
Vernal- Don't make this complicated.
Weiss- Whats going to make this complicated is when my sister finds out I didn't make it to Mistral. You know my sister don't you? Winter Schnee. Special Operative of the Atlas military. She's in Mistral now and when she hears I'm missing, it won't take her long to find me. And you.
The bandit men laugh.
Weiss- Whats so funny?!
Vernal- (chuckles) I don't know if it's more funny or sad but you're clearly out of the loop. Your sister isn't in Mistral anymore. No Atlas personnel are in Mistral anymore. General Ironwood closed the borders and recalled all of his little troops and tin cans. No one is coming to rescue you or your friend.
Author: Well that's the end of this chapter. I'm sorry there's not more action but it'll pick up soon. Hope y'all enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next one

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 5Where stories live. Discover now