Chapter 10 Volume 5

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Around the same time in Mistral
Qrow (POV)
I was going around the city looking for huntsmen to recruit. So far I've had no luck. All of them are either missing or dead. Zack gave me an address earlier in the day. He told this guy will definitely help. I approach the house and knock on the door.

 I approach the house and knock on the door

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A woman answers the day
Qrow- Hello. Are you Mrs. Hendrix?
Mrs. Hendrix- That I am. Who are you sir.
Qrow- My name is Qrow. Do happen to know an E. Hendrix?
Mrs. Hendrix- Why yes I do. He's my son.(Looks behind her) Ethan!!!! Someone is here to see you!! (Turns back to Qrow) He'll be right out ok dear.
Qrow- Yes ma'am.
Qrow *mind*- I know an Ethan. I wonder how that kid is doing.
The minute or two later this guy comes out and his eyes go big.
???- No way!!! Master Qrow?!!
Qrow- Ethan?
Ethan- Yeah!! It's me!!!
Qrow- Holy shit kid!! You've grown!!

???- No way!!! Master Qrow?!!Qrow- Ethan?Ethan- Yeah!! It's me!!!Qrow- Holy shit kid!! You've grown!!

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Ethan- Yeah I guess. So what brings you here?
Qrow- I need your help. We need your help.
I tell him about everything.
Ethan- So let me get this straight. RNJR is here along a reincarnated Ozpin and you're trying to stop this evil being named Salem and the first step to do this to get the relic that's under Haven Academy?
Qrow- Yeah I know it sounds crazy.
Ethan- Count me in man.
Qrow- Are you serious? For real?!
Ethan- Yeah. Just let me run this by my mom first.
He goes inside. After what seems about 15 minutes he comes back out with a duffel bag and he is also loaded down with so many swords.
Ethan- Ok I'm ready to go.
Qrow- You do know this is gonna be a long journey right?
Ethan- I know my mom's cool with it. Said I'm a grown man and I make my own decisions.
Qrow- Alright then let's go.
Back to the bandit camp
Dante (POV)
I was sat at a table with Yang, Weiss and Raven while Vernal served us tea.
Raven- You can wait outside. Thank you.
Vernal leaves.
Dante- (cold and serious voice) What do you want?
Raven- You know it's better when it's hot.
Dante- I don't give a damn about your tea.
Raven- The truth is that truth is hard to come by. A story of victory for one person is a story of defeat for another. By now Qrow has told Ruby and her friends plenty of stories.
Dante- Just get to the point.
Raven- Fine. Old man Oz has a great and terrible secret. One that could spread fear across the world. One that eventually entrusted to our team. Team STRQ. Once I knew there was no going back. I needed to know more but with every discovery, the more horrifying the world became.
Yang- Ok then tell us. What's the big secret?
Raven- The creatures of grim have a master named Salem. She can't be stopped, she can't be reasoned with, and she won't stop she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet.
Weiss- What?
Raven- You know you three haven't even touched your tea.
Yang gets up.
Yang- Why should we believe any of this?
Raven- Now you're catching on. So far you've done nothing but what others tell you. But you need to question everything. Or else you'll end up just as blind as Qrow. And your fool of a father.
Yang smashes the table and I get up.
Yang- Don't you dare talk about my family like that!!
Dante- Can I kick her ass now?!!
Vernal comes in and aims her blade gun at us.
Vernal- You both need to calm down now.
Weiss- Yang, Dante please.
Raven- Listen to your friend Yang and Dante. Your teammate hasn't let you down before. Well scratch that. Zack Fullbuster did.
Fire engulfs me and Yang's hair goes on fire with her own fire. I slowly unsheathe my katana.
Raven- Struck a nerve did I? Calm your asses down before grim swarm the place.
Weiss grabs my hand.
Weiss- Dante please! This not the time not place. You can fight her later. Yang that goes for you too. I slowly calm down and I sheathe my katana.
Raven- That's better. Now where was I? Oh right. I know the grim have a leader. I know people who can come back from the dead. I know that magic is real and I can prove it. (Looks at yang) Tai said he told you all about my semblance. Well I bet he didn't tell you what Oz did to my brother and I.
She leaves the tent and we follow her out but she is nowhere to be seen. I spot a Raven bird staring at us from a tree.
Dante *mind*- No way. That can't possibly be her.
It takes flight towards us and changes into Raven right before our eyes.
Dante- Ok I'm convinced.
Yang- How did you do that?
Raven- Well, I could explain it to you or (creates portal) you could ask your uncle.
Yang goes away to get her bike. She comes back and Weiss hops on and they go through the portal. I look at Raven.
Dante- I'll be seeing you again and when I do, I'm gonna stain my steal with your blood.
With that, I walk to the portal.
Ruby (POV)
I was I the kitchen making dinner for us and the people Qrow said he'd bring when I hear Kaz roar and growl.
Ruby- What is it Kaz?
Ren- You're going to overcook that.
Ruby- No I won't shut up.
Kaz roars and growls again.
Ruby- Ok Kaz that's it.
I walk to the living room to see what Kaz is doing. What I find is Yang, Weiss, and...Dante.
I gasp and take step back. I look down in sadness. Yang steps forward and just stares at me.
Ruby- Yang I'm so sorry. I should've stayed. I should've talked to you more. I wasn't sure if you wanted me around anyone!
I begin to tear up but I was interrupted by her hugging me.
Yang- I love you.
Ruby- (sniffles) I love you too.
Dante (POV)
This is a nice scene. RNJ come in to see what's up along with some kid. Weiss and I stand back and just watch.
Ruby- Weiss. Dante.
Ruby and Yang motions us to join in the hug which we happily obliged. As we hug the doors open.
Qrow- Hey guys, guess who I...wait, how in in the hell did you get here Yang and Dante and Weiss?
???- Dante?! Yang?! Where?!
Another guys comes through the door.
Dante- Ethan is that you bro?!
Ethan- Dante my man!! Haven't seen you I a minute. C'mere bro!!
I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I run over to him and give him a big bro hug.
Dante- (sniffling) I missed you man.
Ethan- (tears in eyes)- I missed you too bro. I missed you too.
We left go after a couple minutes. Ethan spots Yang staring at him with a big shocked expression.
Ethan- Ya
He didn't even get to finish saying her name before he was tackled to the ground and getting kissed all over his face.
Dante *mind*- Yep. This is gonna be a good night.
Author: Yay!!' Miniature Reunion!! All that's missing is Elias, Blake, and Zack. But for now, mostly everyone is back together again. Yeah!!!!!!

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin A Ruby X OC Story: Volume 5Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant